ELF: from Mind Control to Mind Wars

Lobster Issue 19 (1990) £££

[…] symptoms including disruption of their menstrual cycles, panic, swollen tongues, bleeding gums, headaches, vertigo, burns (even at night) etc etc. These effects coincided with the appearance of new aerials on the base buildings. The women concluded that they were being ‘zapped’ with some kind of rays, the story made the British press briefly, then […]

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Protection for Intelligence Assets

Lobster Issue 12 (1986) £££

[…] … It amounted to a massive conspiracy to violate the country’s Neutrality Acts and other federal, state and local laws as well”. (24) *** McCoy, pp 142-143,153, 259. George Crile. CBS Broadcast, transcript, p 30. Henceforth cited as CBS. New York Times, January 5, 1975, p4. CBS; New Times, May 13 1977, p46 CBS, p14

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The Anti-CND Groups. Ingrams

Lobster Issue 4 (1984) £££

[…] than $50,000. Unfortunately for Holihan the June 1983 election intervened and Thatcher cut short her US visit following the Williamsburg summit meeting. ANON. * * * The New York Times obtained transcripts of conversations between Charles Z. Wick, Director of the US Information Agency, and James A. Baker, White House Chief of Staff. (International […]

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Inside the Gemstone File

Book cover
Lobster Issue 38 (Winter 1999) £££

[…] a lot. Somehow he manages to produce Steamshovel, run a full-time job and produce a stream of books on conspiracy-related subjects. He makes me feel lazy. This latest one consists of: the Skeleton Key to the Gemstone Files; the text of the so-called Kiwi Gemstone, which has nothing to do with the original; some […]

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Iran on the brink: Rising workers and threats of war

Book cover
Lobster Issue 53 (Summer 2007) £££

[…] going on in Iran today, which also understands the geopolitical and environmental situations. It is fully referenced, indexed, and comes with a handy glossary, chronology and map. Notes Iran has the highest per capita rate of heroin addiction in the world, apparently. The Pasdaran (Revolutionary Guards) make a small fortune out of the burgeoning […]

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…MI5 goes on forever

Lobster Issue 26 (1993) £££

[…] copy the moves which were made when MI5’s chief target was so-called subversives. It was not just your actual subversives who were monitored, but people who k new or associated with, and might support or be influenced by subversives. Organisations had to be be ‘checked out’ to make sure they didn’t contain subversives or […]

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The True Story of the Bilderberg Group

Book cover
Lobster Issue 54 (Winter 2007/8) £££

[…] languages and has sold over 150,000 copies. So what do I know? Notes This idiocy makes the author sound like a follower of Lyndon La Rouche, as does his use of the La Rouchian phrase ‘ new Dark Ages’ in the introduction; and you do get some hits if you Google ‘Daniel Estulin + EIR’.

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Whiteout: The CIA, Drugs and the Media

Book cover
Lobster Issue 42 (Winter 2001/2) £££

[…] in the global drugs trade but this is the first book that actually brings it all together in one place. The authors haven’t exposed much that is new, instead they have taken all the previous stories and strung them together to make a damning indictment of the CIA. All your favourite stories are in […]

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Lobster Issue 16: Contents

Lobster Issue 16 (1988) £££

[…] the size of nos. 9, 10, 13: bigger issues, such as 11, 12, 14, are counted as doubles and deducted from subscriptions accordingly. Costs UK (£4.00); US/Canada/Australia/ New Zealand £7.00 Europe £6.00 These prices include postal charges, airmail on on-UK. Non-UK subscribers please note: from this issue onwards we will accept only International Money […]

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Storming teacups! Or: Steve Dorril, Lobster and me

Lobster Issue 39 (Summer 2000) £££

On the jacket of his new book, reviewed in this issue, Steve Dorril writes there that he ‘is founder-editor of the widely respected journal Lobster‘. I invite you to look on the rear cover of this magazine and see who the editor is. That’s right: it’s not Steve Dorril. I have resisted going into […]

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