Mexico missive

Lobster Issue 72 (Winter 2016) FREE

[PDF file]: […] markedly similar situation in the UK, some of the indigenous population seemingly consider themselves above serving food in restaurants, mopping floors in hospitals and other general manual labour. Providing the 1 Locals who live next to his Aberdeen golf course raised Mexican flags next to their own St Andrew’s Crosses in a spirit of […]

The construction industry blacklist: how the Economic League lived on

Lobster Issue 58 (Winter 2009/2010) FREE

[PDF file]: […] 5 What people are waiting for is the government to publish the new rules aimed at outlawing blacklisting as it pledged to do back in 1999. Many Labour MPs were shocked to find that Kerr could only be prosecuted under data protection laws because of this anomaly. Ministers at the Department for Business, Innovation […]

End Times: Elites, Counter Elites, and the Path to Political Disintegration by Peter Turchin

Lobster Issue 87 (2023) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] American reformers raised inheritance taxes to prevent the emergence of a hereditary aristocracy, and engaged in massive trust-busting. Modernising urban-planning systems could lower housing costs, and deregulating labour markets would help create good jobs for “excess” elites. David Goodhart in his TLS review15 refers to the cleansing effect of the extermination of a the […]

Disclosure and deceit: Secrecy as the manipulation of history, not its concealment

Lobster Issue 61 (Summer 2011) FREE

[PDF file]: […] – were saved by billions in drug money in 2008? Does the fact that Japan exploited both Korea and Vietnam to provide cheap food for its industrial labour force have any bearing on the US decision to invade those countries when its official Asia policy was to rebuild Japan as an Asian platform for […]

JFK tramps Lob 71

Lobster Issue

[…] recounted in ‘The View from the Bridge’ in this issue. For Holt that was just one episode in a life of crime. Whose current head is former Labour Foreign Secretary David Miliband. I don’t know if IRC is still a CIA front. 19 6 kind of bagman for the CIA front, the International Rescue […]

The View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue 64 (Winter 2012) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] was talking to a City source yesterday (one who is strongly opposed to the investment bankers “soft coup” of Westminster and Whitehall). He said that under New Labour, H.M. Treasury had been “utterly captured” by the investment banking industry. He said it had happened through subscription to a ludicrously flawed ideology, the “revolving door’” […]

The Lockerbie Bombing: A Father’s Search for Justice by Jim Swire and Peter Biddulph

Lobster Issue 84 (Winter 2022) FREE

[PDF file]: […] critical of senior political and legal figures in Scotland while paying tribute to those north and south of the border who offered strong practical support, including veteran Labour MP Tam Dalyell and emeritus law professor Robert Black of Edinburgh University. The Lockerbie Bombing lacks an index but is well footnoted in support of a […]

Reporter: A Memoir by Seymour M. Hersh

Lobster Issue 76 (Winter 2018) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Hope Lies in the Proles: Orwell and the Left (Pluto Press). He is currently working on a book about the defence, foreign and colonial policies of past Labour governments. And if you haven’t already read them, let me recommend two of Hersh’s other books, his account of Jack Kennedy, The Dark Side of Camelot, […]

Powers, Angleton, Morley and Dallas

Lobster Issue 76 (Winter 2018) FREE

[PDF file]: […] . 17 Powers (see note 7) p. 189. The ‘four’ to which Powers refers to here are his possible suspects in JFK’s assassination: ‘organised crime and crooked labour unions’, ‘Cubans opposed to Fidel Castro’ and ‘Castro himself’. 18 19 whom were intelligence assets of some kind, and that Oswald himself was some kind of […]

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