Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin?

Book cover
Lobster Issue 41 (Summer 2001) £££

[…] To its content I will return. But who is the author? Chamish is one of those names you cannot avoid if you potter around in the American conspiracy sections of the Internet; and bits of this book’s thesis have been posted here there and everywhere in the last few years. This is Chamish’s account […]

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Thinking about the Falklands

Lobster Issue £££

Thinking about the Falklands Paul Johnson recently sneered in The Times at the ‘ conspiracy theories’ about the Falklands War held by the likes of Tam Dalyell MP. Reading this, what struck me was just how few conspiracy theories about that war have emerged in the past 3 years. So, here are a couple. […]

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Lobster Issue 53 (Summer 2007) £££

[…] everybody was impressed or won over by Baker’s arguments,(14) he did receive ‘…a standing ovation and nearly two minutes of solid applause.’ BBC2’s Dr David Kelly: the conspiracy files(16) included an interview with Norman Baker. Also featured in the programme was outspoken barrister Michael Shrimpton, whose flamboyant behaviour may not have won over many […]

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Lobster Issue 43 (Summer 2002) £££

[…] work well, on domestic as well as foreign policy issues (some discussed in a just-issued revised edition of Manufacturing Consent). I have even discussed its application to conspiracy theories, some the media treating as legitimate (the alleged KGB plot to murder the Pope in 1981), others dismissed as mere ‘conspiracy theories’ (the assassination of […]

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The Flight of KAL 007: evidence of conspiracy

Lobster Issue 8 (1985) £££

Books The Flight of KAL 007: evidence of conspiracy R. B. Cutler Cutler is the editor/producer of the Grassy Knoll Gazette, one of the JFK assassination journals. Over the years he has produced a great many books/pamphlets on the case. This is a 40 page pamphlet full of Cutler’s beautiful drawings and maps which […]

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The DFS, Silvia Duran and the CIA-Mafia connection

Lobster Issue 31 (June 1996) £££

[…] Consulate. The successive changes mirror the shift in the Mexico City CIA Station’s view of Oswald, from a ‘phase-one’ position (Oswald was part of a Cuban Communist conspiracy) to a more standard ‘phase-two’ position (Oswald was a lone nut). From other sources we learn that the DFS itself, as well as the CIA Station, […]

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My enemy’s enemy…: Museum Street

Lobster Issue 22 (1991) £££

[…] on the streets of Wellington somehow got into the hands of Conservative leader Muldoon. There was the “Think tank’ affair, in which the newspaper Truth concocted a conspiracy fantasy in which Labour was going to nationalise all the financial institutions of the country. There was the Freeman-Jays affair, in which Rohan Jays, a supposed […]

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Web update

Lobster Issue 35 (Summer 1998) £££

[…] 3 editors of Green Anarchist magazine (Saxon Wood, Steve Booth and Noel Molland), were convicted and sentenced to 3 years in jail after being found guilty of conspiracy to incite ‘persons unknown’ to commit criminal damage, for reporting details of environmental and animal rights direct actions. Public Interest Immunity Certificates were used to suppress […]

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Get Gough! The loans affair conspiracy

Lobster Issue 13 (1987) £££

Get Gough! The loans affair conspiracy Dennis Freney (Dennis Freney, PO Box A716, Sydney, New South Wales 2000, Australia – £4.50 airmail, £3.75 seamail: international orders only) In Lobster 11 (p31) we referred to CIA operations in Australia in the middle 1970s. Since then we have received Freney’s Get Gough!, the most detailed account […]

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Western Goals (UK)

Lobster Issue 21 (1991) £££

[…] politics were exposed (Searchlight, June 1989.) James Gibb-Stewart — Author of two Western Goals (UK) ‘Viewpoint Papers’ in 1990, The Finance Factor, about the alleged international financial conspiracy, and The Mandela Myth. The latter was reprinted in Candour. Gibbs is the author of three books, Money Bomb, The Mind Benders and Lemming Folk, the […]

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