Politics and Paranoia

Book cover
Lobster Issue 57 (Summer 2009) £££

Most of a talk given at Housman’s bookshop in March. The talks in this book (1) kind of parallel some of the things that I have been writing about elsewhere. I began publishing Lobster in 1983; and I also joined the Labour Party that year, partly, I confess, because it seemed a likely source of … Read more

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The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 51 (Summer 2006) £££

[…] from something Henry/Armen wrote for Lobster 36 and then gives a very partial account of Henry/Armen’s career, focusing on his conviction for orchid smuggling and mentioning a UFO story which he was interested in about 25 years ago. McCoy also makes one of the more unfortunate typos I have seen, referring to Henry/ Armen’s […]

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Welcome to Lobster

Lobster Issue

Welcome to Lobster, the journal that looks at the impact of the intelligence and security services on history and politics. From espionage to dirty tricks to conspiracy theories. What else is in Lobster? Check out the keywords in the box in the sidebar, right. Lobster issues 58 and onwards are free. Earlier issues of Lobster … Read more

Popular Alienation

Book cover
Lobster Issue 33 (Summer 1997) £££

[…] piece called ‘Thieves of Knowledge: The Vanishing of the Place of Muses’ about the destruction of the library at Alexandria circa 400 A.D.; Jim Keith on a UFO book; and a piece about Carroll Quigley. OK, not all the issues have quite this kind of subject spread, but you might get the drift. The […]

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The Octopus: Secret Government and the Death of Danny Casolaro

Book review
Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££

Kenn Thomas and Jim Keith Feral House, PO Box 3466, Portland, OR 97208 (), 1996, $19.95 Of all the current parapolitical ‘biggies’ floating around, the one I would not have enjoyed trying to piece together is this one; and I am grateful to Thomas and Keith for doing so. Casolaro was, on this account, a … Read more

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NASA, Nazis & JFK: the Torbitt Document and the JFK Assassination

Book cover
Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££

[…] Steamshovel’s Kenn Thomas contributes an amusing and non-committal introduction which, in twelve pages, manages to encompass Timothy Leary, Wilhelm Reich, fake moon landings, Charles Willoughby and a UFO flap over Winnipeg, Canada in 1969 – on the day that Giesbrecht went to tell New Orleans DA Garrison about what he’d overheard in Winnipeg airport. […]

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Deception and distraction strategies relating to the John F Kennedy Assassination

Lobster Issue 74 (Winter 2017) FREE

[PDF file]: […] the Second World War, the near-magical properties of which are unbelievable in the extreme. This elusive secret weapon has been invoked as the explanation for a bell-shaped UFO that is said to have crashed in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, in 1965. What is of interest here is that the researcher who ‘discovered’ the existence of The […]


Lobster Issue

[…] *new* UFOs and the USAF So we now have a parade of former US Air Force (USAF) and US intelligence personnel telling the world that yes, the UFO thing is real – even commonplace – for the US military but it has all been covered-up for decades. That cover-up by state forces included elaborate […]

Lob86 View from Bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] *new* UFOs and the USAF So we now have a parade of former US Air Force (USAF) and US intelligence personnel telling the world that yes, the UFO thing is real – even commonplace – for the US military but it has all been covered-up for decades. That cover-up by state forces included elaborate […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 86 (2023) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] zero. UFOs and the USAF So we now have a parade of former US Air Force (USAF) and US intelligence personnel telling the world that yes, the UFO thing is real – even commonplace – for the US military but it has all been covered-up for decades. That cover-up by state forces included elaborate […]

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