Blackmail in the Deep State: From the Bay of Pigs and JFK Assassination to Watergate

Lobster Issue 73 (Summer 2017) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Pigs and JFK Assassination to Watergate Jonathan Marshall Note: this article is excerpted from an unpublished book titled Watergate, the American Deep State, and the Legacy of Secret Government by Jonathan Marshall. The Watergate affair of 1972-74, though widely regarded as one of the the gravest political and constitutional crises in U.S. history, began […]

Tokyo legend? Lee Harvey Oswald and Japan

Lobster Issue 70 (Winter 2015) FREE

[PDF file]: […] betraying U-2 secrets.2 A deeper understanding of Oswald’s role in Japan, however, has been long distorted by the 1978 publication of Edward Jay Epstein’s book Legend: The Secret World of Lee Harvey Oswald 3 in which Epstein tries to prove that Oswald fell victim to an elaborate Soviet intelligence ‘honey trap’ while in Japan […]

Wilson, MI5 and the rise of Thatcher

Lobster Issue 11 (April 1986) £££
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[PDF file]: […] crisis generated by the Heath/Barber “dash for growth” and the political reaction to it from sections of the Tory Party and their allies in capital and the Secret State. By late 1973 people on the right believed that they were witnessing the end of British democracy, the “British way of life” and everything. Heath […]

The Clandestine Caucus

Lobster Issue Clandestine Caucus (1996)
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[PDF file]: […] of IRD’s origins. On p. 7 it notes that in September 1948 – i.e. almost immediately – ‘part of the costs of the unit transferred to the secret vote . . . the move would . . . avoid the unwelcome scrutiny of operations which might require covert or semi-covert means of execution.’68 There […]

The Lincoln-Kennedy Psyop

Lobster Issue 81 (Summer 2021) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Washington DC, which would be flooded by new thinking emanating from within its own ranks. To trigger this wave, Jackson, a Princeton alumnus himself, set up the secret and off-the-record Princeton Economic Conference of 1954. That conference’s conclusions were put into a proposal for a transnational Partnership for Economic Growth. The new partnership’s underlying […]

Bilderberg Myths: Were the Bilderbergers behind the 1973 oil shock?

Lobster Issue 76 (Winter 2018) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Numerous researchers claim to have pinpointed instances where Bilderberg’s influence has manifested itself. Long-time Bilderberg observer Tony Gosling, for example, has argued that ‘It was in Bilderberg’s secret conclaves that the European Union and euro were first mooted and where the Steve Watson, ‘Bilderberg 2015 Location Confirmed’, Infowars, 30 January 2015, . 1 Mark […]

Olivia Jayne Frank, 1956-2023

Lobster Issue 88 (2024) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] David Kimche (1928-2010) when she was under sedation in a military hospital. Kimche was known in Israel as ‘The Man with the Suitcase’ and conducted dangerous and secret diplomacy in Iraq, Germany and Africa. During several hospital visits he took care not to reveal his name to ‘Ruth Mayer’, who called him ‘Moses’. ‘I […]

Olivia Jayne Frank, 1956-2023

Lobster Issue free article
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[PDF file]: […] David Kimche (1928-2010) when she was under sedation in a military hospital. Kimche was known in Israel as ‘The Man with the Suitcase’ and conducted dangerous and secret diplomacy in Iraq, Germany and Africa. During several hospital visits he took care not to reveal his name to ‘Ruth Mayer’, who called him ‘Moses’. ‘I […]

Permanent Record by Edward Snowden

Lobster Issue 80 (Winter 2020) FREE

[PDF file]: […] this, pursuing his natural talent for IT, Snowden began his journey through the US intelligence community (which he refers to as the IC). He obtained a Top Secret security clearance and then undertook a number of contracting jobs for firms working directly or indirectly for the NSA or the CIA It was whilst working […]

GArrick Timmi text

Lobster Issue

[…] on 18 November 1961, in the former East Germany (GDR).1 As an adult, he achieved his youthful ambition of serving as an officer in the communist regime’s secret police, the Stasi.2 Neitsch’s office defeated and silenced prominent local opponents of the GDR. The office’s administrative area included a long section of the Berlin Wall, […]

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