
Lobster Issue

[…] other words, someone who accepted the conspiracy theory of ‘the enemy within’, in which the Soviet Union ran the CPGB, which ran the unions, which ran the Labour Party. 2 Thirdly, his knowledge of the political – as opposed to ideological – antecedents of Thatcherism is inadequate. On page 222, for example, he writes […]

Back from the brink by Alistair Darling

Lobster Issue 62 (Winter 2011) FREE

[PDF file]: […] evening, I told him that nationalization was looking increasingly likely…..like me could see the political watershed we faced. It would hark back to the wilderness years, when Labour appeared unelectable.’ p. 65 Don’t you love the political perspective? Facing economic armageddon, Darling and Brown are worried that the electorate might be reminded of Old […]

A comment on Simon Matthews’ ‘The Dungavel Handicap: Scotland, Churchill and Rudolf Hess, 1941’

Lobster Issue 81 (Summer 2021) FREE

[PDF file]: […] largely monopolised by British producers; full mobilisation of all the nation’s military and industrial resources for war would both necessitate economic planning and create a demand for labour which would swing the balance of power on the factory floor in favour of the trade unions. At home, Britain would be transformed into a semi-socialist […]

The Clandestine Caucus: a minor update

Lobster Issue 88 (2024) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] the spooks in British politics, with an interest in the history of the Tory right triggered by the arrival of Mrs Thatcher. And I was interested in Labour Party history. (I was a member in the 80s and 90s.) I haven’t methodically revisited CC since but relevant odds and ends crop up. The latest […]

Covid-19 and the intellectuals

Lobster Issue 81 (Summer 2021) FREE

[PDF file]: […] capitalist states. Progressive politicians in these countries have no adequate answers and are reduced to complaining about governmental incompetence and technical glitches. (Just look at the British Labour Party’s response to the situation.) They have not grasped that the system is in need of much more than the equivalent of a good service, MOT […]

Who let the dogs out?

Lobster Issue 58 (Winter 2009/2010) FREE

[PDF file]: […] UK? Yes, though the little Harding tells us is not as revealing as it might be: a leading US consultant has said he was working for the Labour party, courtesy of Patricia Hewitt, long before the well-known 1990s assistance from the Clintonites (this is still supposed to be a secret1 2). This influence has […]

Historical notes on the four freedoms

Lobster Issue 88 (2024) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] The point was not lost on Roosevelt and the informal coalition of progressives, Keynesians, socialists, social-democrats (‘liberals’ in US political discourse), communists, left-wing populists, farmers and organised labour which supported his administration. They were committed to a ‘New Deal’ for the American people, a break from the old politics which had generally avoided (outside […]

View from Bridge 87

Lobster Issue

[…] not the researchers steered away from an hypothesis which could only benefit the Republicans. Getting rid of Corbyn As we approach the next general election with the Labour Party safely in the hands of people who are no threat to any of society’s vested interests, the defenestration of the previous leader, Jeremy Corbyn, is […]

Hugh who? (Hugh Mooney)

Lobster Issue 75 (Summer 2018) FREE

[PDF file]: […] the Irish 4 The sections in italics, INQ 1873, have been added by hand in the original. In 1987 someone anonymously sent me a collection of anti- Labour forgeries from the mid 1970s period. They were reproduced at end of Paul Foot’s Who framed Colin Wallace?, still available from . One of those forgeries, […]

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