The Anti-CND Groups. Ingrams

Lobster Issue 4 (1984) £££

[…] and for his other ‘silent kill’ devices. He has been called the ‘principal supplier of the CIA’s most sophisticated weapons’ (in ‘Ken Burnstine’ by Gaeton Fonzi, in Gold Coast May 1982). Werbell’s firm, Studies in the Operational Negation of Insurgents and Counter Subversion (Sonics), produced the M10/11 silenced machine pistol. The sales company was […]

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Mrs Thatcher, North Sea oil and the hegemony of the City

Lobster Issue 27 (1994) £££

[…] always work in the same direction — in the interests of the City, not the manufacturing economy — and have done so since the restoration of the gold standard. Nothing was more certain, for example, than that Britain would join the ERM at too high a sterling value for the manufacturing sector. ‘Twas ever […]

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Let the Petals Fall

Lobster Issue 26 (1993) £££

[…] with busts of Luther and Calvin and one of Dennis Parry. A powerful influence on Paisley’s youthful preaching had been Teddy Sherwood on his soapbox swinging his gold boxer’s belt on the sands of Barry Island, but the made-to-measure-martyr Dennis Parry had actually shared Paisley’s bedroom at the Barry School of Evangelism and a […]

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Pius XII, the Holocaust and the Cold War

Book cover
Lobster Issue 57 (Summer 2009) £££

[…] its way through the US legal system. Why the refusal? As Michael Phayer makes clear, in his fascinating new book, the Vatican bank still holds the Ustasa gold looted by the Croatian fascists during the Second World War.(1) Ante Pavelic’s Ustasa regime was responsible for the deaths of some 50,000 Jews and between 300 […]

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Terror Within

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Lobster Issue 54 (Winter 2007/8) £££

[…] invasion of Canada) overseas. Now, Bloom does trace the linkages between activists across the waters – much of it due to exile or transportation – but the gold miners’ struggle in Ballarat in Australia, while very interesting and while some of the participants were former Chartists, was not a struggle for a British republic. […]

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The secret of the 1917 ‘Balfour declaration’

Lobster Issue 53 (Summer 2007) £££

[…] throughout his life. Thomas Pakenham The Boer War, (New York, Random House, 1979). This book disclosed for the first time conclusive evidence of Milner’s collusion with the gold mining corporations during the Boer War to ensure adequate ‘supplies of native labour’ for the mines. This collusion had long been suspected, but had been systematically […]

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Anglo-America and the Third Reich

Book cover
Lobster Issue 52 (Winter 2006/7) £££

[…] a well-regarded Marxist author, trusted associate of Trotsky and key mediator between the Kaiser and the Bolsheviks who arranged, starting in 1915, for the flow of German gold into Russia that funded the propaganda campaign of Lenin’s little band of anti-war Marxists. Some Russian revolutionaries grew to distrust this erratic and ‘Falstaffian’ figure, with […]

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Obituaries: Donald Allen & Reuben Falber

Lobster Issue 52 (Winter 2006/7) £££

[…] payments of £14,000 and £15,000 in 1978.’ In fact, as has been reported in these pages before, Falber’s role as the Soviets’ bagman was first revealed in Peter Wright’s Spycatcher in 1987. Falber’s role had been known by MI5 from the outset. MI5 – for whatever reason – chose to let the ‘Moscow gold’ continue.

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Late breaking news on Clay Shaw’s United Kingdom contacts

Lobster Issue 20 (1990) £££

[…] R. Wrone’s The Assassination of John F. Kennedy: A Comprehensive Historical and Legal Bibliography 1963- 1979 (Westport, Connecticut, Greenwood Press, 1980): a volume worth its weight in gold and one that badly needs updating. Guth and Wrone also detail every relevant article in The New York Times relating to the Garrison inquiry. For more […]

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Lobster Issue 50 (Winter 2005/6) £££

[…] in recommending to Attlee that he make a statement in parliament, the document reveals that MI5 were prepared to allow Attlee to mislead the country.’ () Moscow gold According to a recent piece in The Spectator, ‘…any mention of the word “oligarch” the average Russian reaching for a gun. That’s because much of the […]

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