The 80 Greatest Conspiracies of all Time

Book Cover
Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

[…] subjects but not others. The section on JFK’s death for example, doesn’t even attempt a summary, merely running us through one of the many developments in the past decade. They are also curiously reluctant to dismiss rubbish as rubbish (e.g. the Gemstone File). Recommended only if you want a quick skim across American-oriented conspiracy theories.

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The JFK literature: some recent titles

Lobster Issue 30 (December 1995) £££

[…] of a Thomas Pynchon novel. Butman and Sprinkle write in their Introduction, ‘What we, the authors, have done is research dozens and dozens of books on the conspiracy, plot , murder and evident cover-up. We then picked five of what we felt were the most informative and interesting of those books and reviewed them […]

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Web Update

Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££

[…] tricks to block Clinton’s election in 1992, and how allegations that the 1980 Presidential election was fixed were whitewashed and key documents hidden. Steamshovel Press US conspiracy ‘zine. Gives contents pages of back issues plus sample article. Microwave News ‘The worlds’ most authoritative source on EMF health risks’ Covers civil and military […]

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JFK: The two Oswalds. One Hell of a Gamble

Lobster Issue 37 (Summer 1999) £££

[…] circles in the Soviet Union thought about the assassination. But the authors make almost no effort to distance themselves from the tripe about an oil depletion allowance conspiracy, nor do they stop to consider the implications of an intelligence service so hidebound by ideology that it cannot report objectively on the adversary’s camp.’ Verrrryyy […]

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Lobster Issue 25 (1993) £££

[…] This is quite a step for a journal called Covert Action, founded around the whistle-blowing of Philip Agee. For almost nothing is more redolent of crazy right-wing conspiracy theories than the debate about flouridation. So bravo to that. It’s an interesting essay, too, by the way. Griffiths argues, with considerable respectable-looking documentation, that the […]

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Lobster Issue 55 (Summer 2008) £££

[…] of their audio files, telephone conversations and situation room discussions, all recorded during the 9/11 attacks.(28) Is all this information too late? According to one study, ‘ conspiracy thinking is now a normal part of mainstream political conflict in the United States’ especially amongst members of less powerful groups who are ‘more likely to […]

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An Incorrect Political Memoir

Lobster Issue 24 (December 1992) £££

[…] San Francisco Bay. Today Horowitz has defected to the hard Right, along with his long-time colleague Peter Collier; and if you want to keep up with anti-CIA conspiracy journalism these days, it is helpful to have a subscription to The Spotlight, published by the right-wing Liberty Lobby. But you had better be prepared to […]

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Lobster Issue 53 (Summer 2007) £££

[…] everybody was impressed or won over by Baker’s arguments,(14) he did receive ‘…a standing ovation and nearly two minutes of solid applause.’ BBC2’s Dr David Kelly: the conspiracy files(16) included an interview with Norman Baker. Also featured in the programme was outspoken barrister Michael Shrimpton, whose flamboyant behaviour may not have won over many […]

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Thinking about the Falklands

Lobster Issue £££

Thinking about the Falklands Paul Johnson recently sneered in The Times at the ‘ conspiracy theories’ about the Falklands War held by the likes of Tam Dalyell MP. Reading this, what struck me was just how few conspiracy theories about that war have emerged in the past 3 years. So, here are a couple. […]

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The Flight of KAL 007: evidence of conspiracy

Lobster Issue 8 (1985) £££

Books The Flight of KAL 007: evidence of conspiracy R. B. Cutler Cutler is the editor/producer of the Grassy Knoll Gazette, one of the JFK assassination journals. Over the years he has produced a great many books/pamphlets on the case. This is a 40 page pamphlet full of Cutler’s beautiful drawings and maps which […]

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