The Ulster Citizen Army smear

Lobster Issue 14 (1987) £££

[…] psy ops job, the argument might run, Herron and Elliot were not part of it and, with a kind of logic, the UDA had no reason to assassinate them: or, perhaps, were right to assassinate them. And having committed themselves to this position in 1974 with the Ron Horn-Wallace nonsense, the UDA today is […]

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The Man Who Knew Too Much

Lobster Issue 27 (1994) £££

Dick Russell Carroll and Graf, New York, 1992 This is one of the most interesting JFK assassination books to have emerged from the movie and 30th anniversary tie-in crop. Given the vast amount of attention paid to Gerald Posner’s ‘Oswald did it after all!’ apologia, Case Closed, it is unfortunate that Russell’s book still hasn’t … Read more

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From Parapolitics to Deep Politics: Deep Politics and the Death of JFK

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Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££

Peter Dale Scott University of California Press (paperback edition, with new preface) 1996, $14.95   ‘The key to understanding Deep Politics is the distinction I propose between traditional conspiracy theory, looking at conscious secret collaborations towards shared ends, and deep political analysis, defined as “the study of all those political practices and arrangements, deliberate or … Read more

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Robert Kennedy and the Middle East connection

Lobster Issue 51 (Summer 2006) £££

‘I know nothing about it. I don’t want to say I didn’t at the time, but today I have no knowledge of it.’ Former US Secretary of Defense, Robert S. McNamara on the attack on USS Liberty. ‘As with the assassination of John F. Kennedy four years earlier, the official version [of the attack on … Read more

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Was the Director of Central Intelligence a Soviet agent?

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Lobster Issue 51 (Summer 2006) £££

[…] trotted out once more. It seems that it was important to the image the Agency wished to project of itself that it was not publicly known to assassinate foreign leaders. Or did not admit it. (On the other hand, it suited one Secretary of State to exploit the CIA’s reputation for assassinations by threatening […]

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Parapolitical bits and pieces

Lobster Issue 7 (1985) £££

Ex-British intelligence officer Richard Winch said KGB defectors regularly named 7 ‘MPs, trade union leaders and 1 former Conservative Cabinet Minister’ as KGB agents. (Daily Telegraph 24 and 27 September 1984) What, only 7? According to Frederick Forsyth’s ‘sources’ in the British labour movement there are 20. (See Times 31 August 1984). And doesn’t Chapman … Read more

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Who shot JFK

Lobster Issue 46 (Winter 2003) £££

It now looks pretty certain to me that Kennedy’s assassination was the work of a local Texas conspiracy on behalf of, and with the knowledge of, the then Vice President Lyndon Johnson. Most of the extant evidence for this can be seen on the web site ‘The Men on the Sixth Floor’ (1) which advertises … Read more

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Assassination Science: Experts Speak Out On the Death of JFK

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Lobster Issue 35 (Summer 1998) £££

Edited by James H. Fetzer Catfeet Press, Chicago Distributed in the UK by The Eurospan Group, 3 Henrietta St, London WC2E 8LU at £29.50 (hb) £14.95 (pb)   This is a very important contribution to the primary research on the Kennedy assassination. It contains essays which prove (a) that the Zapruder film was substantially edited … Read more

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