UFOs and the governments of the USA and UK

Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££

[…] agencies.(1) The men from the Ministry In Britain, Air Staff 2 (a), a desk in the Ministry of Defence, manned by junior civil servants such as Nick Pope, J. Palmer, Owen Hartop, Kerry Philpott, and Ralph Noyes, respond to public inquiries. The knowledge of these individuals is limited and their responses consequently sometimes inaccurate. […]

The View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue 30 (December 1995) £££

[…] by noting that many of the ‘best anti-communists’ had been CP members, and offers as examples the late Claire Sterling (who recycled all the Bulgarians killed the Pope nonsense) and Herbert Romerstein, latterly of USIS. It was Mr. Romerstein who accused me of recycling Soviet disinformation, and who, I would guess, is the source […]

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A ‘great venture’: overthrowing the government of Iran

Lobster Issue 30 (December 1995) £££

This is a slightly abridged version of part of chapter four of Mark Curtis’s book The Ambiguities of Power: British Foreign Policy since 1945 (Zed Press, 1995) reviewed below. In August 1953 a coup overthrew Iran’s nationalist government of Mohammed Musaddiq and installed the Shah in power. The Shah subsequently used widespread repression and torture … Read more

Fifth Column: The decadence of our political system

Lobster Issue 55 (Summer 2008) £££

[…] stability and prosperity with taxes. Both propositions are matters of faith but, while we cannot know what happens after death (making Richard Dawkins no better than the Pope in this respect), we can certainly judge whether governments have used our taxes wisely in maintaining not just prosperity but also stability. Well, they have been […]

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Beyond Hypocrisy: Decoding the news in an age of propaganda

Book cover
Lobster Issue 24 (December 1992) £££

[…] sometimes in partnership with Noam Chomsky, the scourge of its conventional wisdom. In the early Reagan years we had an expose of the ‘Bulgarian plot to kill Pope John Paul II’ — a critical event in the winding up of the Second Cold War — and more recently The Terrorism Industry: the experts and […]

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Miscellaneous: Cold war. Disinformation. Elite. Unclassified. G.K. Young, Unison

Lobster Issue 24 (December 1992) £££

[…] disinformation. The U.S. ran the ‘KGB terror network’ story, through Clare Sterling, with help from the Israelis, messers Crozier and Moss and others, and then the KGB-shot-the- Pope story. Against that the Soviet Union ran the story (with several variants) that AIDS was a U.S. biological warfare experiment gone wrong. A minor spin-off from […]

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Good-bye Tony

Lobster Issue 53 (Summer 2007) £££

[…] as the misogynistic, homophobic and bigoted religious are over-represented. Unchecked immigration floods the country with predominantly Roman Catholic young, just as, to curry favour with Islam, the pope reinserts hatred of ‘the Jews’ into the third Station of the Cross at Easter. The prime minister presents himself with a Koran under his arm, collapsing […]

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Some Notes on Occult Irrationalism and the Kennedy Assassination

Lobster Issue 24 (December 1992) £££

[…] published in Patterson, New Jersey, was up to issue 21 when I approached it, and its list of back issues featured these gems: ‘Did Masons kill JFK, Pope John Paul 1, Princess Grace?’ (no. 4) and ‘Discover how UFO beliefs are being manipulated to create social change — and how this ties into the […]

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Lobster Issue 52 (Winter 2006/7) £££

[…] remains a virtual network linking FOI movements globally and an ‘institutional memory’ for transparency and access to information rights throughout the world. Notes See for example: Justin Pope, ‘9/11 conspiracy theorists thriving’, Associated Press Online 7 August 2006; Richard Roeper, ‘Academics fill grassy knoll spot abandoned by Oliver Stone’, Chicago Sun Times 8 August […]

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The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 79 (Summer 2020) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] he omitted, of course, was that this AIDS nonsense was a response to the US disinformation at the beginning of the decade about the KGB shooting the Pope. After I wrote that paragraph I was looking at volume 1 of Charles Moore’s biography of Margaret Thatcher and noticed that he has it that the […]

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