
Lobster Issue 13 (1987) £££

Jackboots and Sporran: the strange world of Robert Gayre Kevin Koogan in ANARCHY No.38 (Box A 84b Whitechapel High St., London E1 7QX) This is fascinating stuff, the history of some of the more obscure corners in the neo-nazi American/European right-wing since WW2. But it has an odd feel to it, as if it were […]

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Britain spinning in the Sibel Edmonds web

Lobster Issue 56 (Winter 2008/9) £££

[…] The article makes a clear attempt to spin its material towards Iranian intransigence and away from the U.S. side of the network (which, according to Edmonds, includes Israel, Turkey and Pakistan as key players and partners), making the accidental admission almost comical. Exposition of some of the U.S. responses to Edmonds is essential as […]

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Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

Srebrenica In Lobster 46 I noted that the publisher of Cees Wiebes’ Intelligence and the War in Bosnia 1992-1995 had declined to supply a review copy. Mr Wiebes subsequently informed me that the full report on Srebrenica, commissioned by the Dutch government, including the material which made up his book, is on-line, in English, at […]

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The rise of warfare capitalism

Book cover
Lobster Issue 54 (Winter 2007/8) £££

[…] to withdraw that support. If Nick Cohen is a sell-out then so am I. When Peter Hitchens accuses the SWP of anti-Semitism, questions the absurd idea that Israel is responsible for all of the problems of the Middle East and slams the Left for defining Hizbullah as freedom fighters, he is right. At its […]

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The Road to Jerusalem: Glubb Pasha, Palestine and the Jews

Book cover
Lobster Issue 45 (Summer 2003) £££

[…] Morris London: I. B Tauris, 2002, £24.50, h/b   In report after report on the major media we hear about or see pictures of ‘refugee camps’ in Israel – and no-one ever explains from where the refugees came. Perhaps editors think we know already. Benny Morris is an Israeli historian who became well known […]

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Good-bye Tony

Lobster Issue 53 (Summer 2007) £££

[…] continental control of our utilities. It is difficult to imagine a British foreign policy that is not heavily influenced by the interests of the United States or Israel, with a dangerously free hand given to the Russian oligarchs in London. Revitalising the country that ran the world’s largest empire was never going to be […]

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Israel, the lobby and its critics

Lobster Issue

Contents Israel, the lobby and its critics If I Am Not For Myself: Journey of an Anti-Zionist Jew Mike Marqusee London and Brooklyn: Verso, £9.99 (UK) 137 Winter 2010 ‘This Time We Went Too Far’: Truth and Consequences of the Gaza Invasion Norman G. Finkelstein New York: O R Books, £12 War Crimes in […]

The Balfour Declaration, and, Moment of Truth

Lobster Issue 76 (Winter 2018) FREE

[PDF file]: […] ISBN 9781682191149 John Booth In the swirl of controversy over ‘Labour’s anti-Semitism problem’ that has followed Jeremy Corbyn’s election as leader in 2015, the complex subject of Israel and Palestine has rarely featured in popular discussion. These three books offer those who wish to move beyond this largely faux confection more understanding of an […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

[…] ‘even-handed’ approach taken by Henry Kissinger and Nixon during the 1973 Israeli war with the Arabs, the Israeli lobby set about remaking US foreign policy to protect Israel. This involved first recreating the Soviet Union as the big bad wolf (Cold War 2). As Curtis showed, this entailed the wholesale fabrication of a renewed […]

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Operation Black Dog

Lobster Issue 35 (Summer 1998) £££

[…] in Southern Iraq, I was informed. Heavy casualties resulted. The operation, directed by the Central Intelligence Agency, was a counter-strike, following an Iraqi Scud that fell on Israel. The missile had contained Sarin. Fuming, the Israelis had prepared to detonate a nuclear warhead high above Baghdad. Only the swift intervention of President George Bush […]

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