The Crux of the Matter

Lobster Issue 45 (Summer 2003) £££

[…] Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Some of the more well-known names of Fronteras’ Board members are: Chairman William H. White (ex Deputy Secretary of the Treasury under Clinton); President/CEO Steve Nicandros (ex-Pres. Conoco International Operations); and Advisers John Deutch (ex-CIA Director) and Lloyd Bentsen (ex-Treasury Secretary.). ‘A coup attempt in 1998 led the chairman […]

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Lobster Issue 45 (Summer 2003) £££

[…] in an effort to ‘modernise’. From 1990-92 Mulgan was special adviser to Gordon Brown when he was shadowing the Department of Trade and Industry, and became ‘the Clinton campaign’s link to Labour, which involved lots of telephone calls with the Americans – mainly advising them how not to repeat our mistakes.'(3) Demos aimed to […]

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Blairusconi: populism and elite rule

Lobster Issue 53 (Summer 2007) £££

[…] New Labour agree on several key facts. First, that Tony Blair has transformed the Labour party unrecognisably. Second, that much of this has been modelled on the Clinton experience, and third that he has created a new model of centrism and apparent fiscal prudence. Yet from 2001 on we can see a parallel phenomenon […]

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The JFK literature: some recent titles

Lobster Issue 30 (December 1995) £££

[…] ‘Whitewatergate’ material he has been unflaggingly pushing through The Sunday Telegraph since 1993. The ‘slanders’ are here documented month by month. Evans-Pritchard is obviously out to unseat Clinton and, failing that, cause him as much embarrassment as possible. But where was E-P and the Telegraph when we really needed them, during the scandalous years […]

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The view from the bridge. JFK. Waco. Oklahoma. Timor. Moral Rearmament Movement

Lobster Issue 38 (Winter 1999) £££

[…] children — all 74 of them – were still glowing as the nation’s major news institutions rousingly endorsed the decision of Janet Reno and her boss, Bill Clinton, to give the FBI (and, as it turned out, the Delta Force) the go-ahead for an operation that ensured massacre. Newsweek, we particularly remember, rushed out […]

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Banana Republicans

Book cover
Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

[…] how it commissions and disseminates phoney research, runs smear campaigns and psy-ops, gerrymanders electoral districts, and steals elections. There are fairly detailed studies of the campaigns against Clinton and of the Florida election-theft, but this is a thick skim made by experts: a detailed account would run to thousands of pages. This network’s enemies […]

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PERMINDEX: The International Trade in Disinformation

Lobster Issue 2 (1983) £££

[…] (5) The only substantial evidence that was presented at the trial was hard to dislodge because the witnesses were respected and not seeking media attention. Residents of Clinton claimed that they had seen Oswald, Ferrie and Shaw together in the town when black voters were registering. Hindsight suggests that while Oswald and Ferrie were […]

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Nixon’s Shadow: The History of An Image

Book cover
Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

[…] a free ride in 1972, against the ‘unelectable’ McGovern. Watergate remained a non-issue until the lies became too blatant to dismiss. Greenberg, who worked on Bob Woodward’s Clinton book, The Agenda, never even wonders about the identity or motivation of Deep Throat. Nixon held the press off for a while with attack, the same […]

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A vote in the can is worth two for George Bush

Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

[…] U.S. presidential election controversy’ which has grown like Jack’s beanstalk as partisans and disinteresteds alike slug it out. (11) However, history is written by the victors. Former Clinton ally (i.e. converted neo-conservative) Dick Morris gave the world the benefit of his insight shortly after election day. Who does Mr Morris think is to blame […]

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9/11’s Trainer in Terrorism Was an FBI Informant

Lobster Issue free article

[…] tolerate an Islamic Egypt. In 1997 the Islamist leaders were convinced that Abu-Umar al-Amriki was speaking for the CIA — that is, the uppermost echelons of the Clinton administration” (Bodansky, Bin Laden, 212-13). As we shall see, it is the case that Mohamed was allowed to travel to Afghanistan even after his designation as […]

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