The View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue 33 (Summer 1997) £££

[…] fit to pull. Not having looked at it for about a decade, I thought it would be interesting to see the items, other than the two about Bilderberg cited by Peters, which the editor had baulked at. The largest group of articles are those commenting on or opposing Britain’s membership of the then EEC […]

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New Labour, New Atlanticism: US and Tory intervention in the unions since the 1970s

Lobster Issue 33 (Summer 1997) £££

[…] fortune.(3) Grant-seekers must apply to a panel of high-powered Conservatives. Trustees listed for 1994 include Lord Carrington, Foreign Secretary under Mrs Thatcher and currently Chair of the Bilderberg organisation; Lord Gowrie, former arts minister and chair of the Arts Council; and John Kemp-Wallace, former chair of the Stock Exchange. The income generated by Dulverton’s […]

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The League of Empire Loyalists and the Defenders of the American Constitution

Lobster Issue 46 (Winter 2003) £££

Kevin Coogan is the author of the study of the American fascist Francis Parker Yockey, Dreamer of the Day, reviewed in Lobster 39. He sent me an essay primarily about the American far-right group the Defenders of the American Constitution. The essay, while fascinating, is too big (about 20 pages) for these columns. However within … Read more

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Denis Healey (Book Review)

Book cover
Lobster Issue 45 (Summer 2003) £££

[…] Lobster is one – the institutions of American political power are in Healey’s own account of his life, The Time of My Life: the Ford Foundation, the Bilderberg conferences and the Congress for Cultural Freedom are in Healey but not in Pearce. Sam Berger, the US labour attaché in London is described as such […]

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Miscellaneous: Cold war. Disinformation. Elite. Unclassified. G.K. Young, Unison

Lobster Issue 24 (December 1992) £££

[…] Clinton makes pitch for conspiracy buff vote? Birchers in hog heaven! As Daniel Brandt points out in his essay in this issue, Clinton had been at a Bilderberg meeting in 1991, is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission, and had been endorsed in the New York Times by […]

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Web update

Lobster Issue 44 (Winter 2002/3) £££

Many thanks to Terry Hanstock for contributions. Comments and contributions to Shayler case and human rights David Shayler went on trial at the Old Bailey in October/ November 2002 for disclosing information and documents relating to security and intelligence, under s1(1) and 4(1) of the Official Secrets Act 1989. During the trial he was […]

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Western Goals (UK)

Lobster Issue 21 (1991) £££

[…] poll tax riots of 1990 were part of an international ‘liberal conspiracy’ against Thatcher, and that the decision to foment civil unrest had been taken at the Bilderberg Group meeting the previous year. Notes The ‘New Right’ and those around Keith Joseph and Thatcher worked hard to portray the Conservative Party before them as […]

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Conspiracy, Conspiracy Theories and Conspiracy Research

Lobster Issue 19 (1990) £££

[…] and the Communist Party; with minor places for Catholics, aliens from another planet, the British Royal Family, and internationalist groupings like The Round Table, Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg Group. In Gemstone the traditional evil group has been further rendered down, to just one man. It is fantasies like these which are properly ‘the conspiracy […]

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The Pinay Circle and Destabilisation in Europe

Lobster Issue 18 (1989) £££

[…] of contacts and its members interlock with the whole panoply of rightwing/parallel intelligence and propaganda agencies – WACL, Heritage Foundation, Western Goals, ISC, Freedom Association, Interdoc, the Bilderberg Group, the Jonathan Institute, P2, Opus Dei, the Moonies’ front CAUSA, IGFM (International Society for Human Rights), and Resistance International. Lowenthal, for instance, is a member […]

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Lobster Issue 42 (Winter 2001/2) £££

[…] a very interesting paper, (29 pages with 150 notes) which contains a lot of new material. Black is that unusual creature, an academic historian who has included Bilderberg in his account. AIDS Remember all the conspiracy theories claiming that the AIDS virus had been a US military experiment? This seemed to have been dealt […]

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