Zelensky Ukraine parapolitics

Lobster Issue

[…] he was being badgered by Zelensky to prosecute Poroshenko, Ryaboshapka had found a separate investigation of his was being blocked by Ivan Bakonov, chief of Ukraine’s internal security service, the SBU (Sluzhba Bezpeky Ukrainy, roughly analogous to the UK’s MI5). Ryaboshapka had been looking into the long-running PrivatBank scandal, which had shocked Ukraine when […]

Zelensky Ukraine parapolitics

Lobster Issue

[…] he was being badgered by Zelensky to prosecute Poroshenko, Ryaboshapka had found a separate investigation of his was being blocked by Ivan Bakonov, chief of Ukraine’s internal security service, the SBU (Sluzhba Bezpeky Ukrainy, roughly analogous to the UK’s MI5). Ryaboshapka had been looking into the long-running PrivatBank scandal, which had shocked Ukraine when […]

Zelensky Ukraine parapolitics

Lobster Issue

[…] he was being badgered by Zelensky to prosecute Poroshenko, Ryaboshapka had found a separate investigation of his was being blocked by Ivan Bakonov, chief of Ukraine’s internal security service, the SBU (Sluzhba Bezpeky Ukrainy, roughly analogous to the UK’s MI5). Ryaboshapka had been looking into the long-running PrivatBank scandal, which had shocked Ukraine when […]

Gareth Llewellyn, CSIS and the Canadian stasi

Lobster Issue 61 (Summer 2011) FREE

[PDF file]: […] is a section of a much longer document written by a senior Canadian federal intelligence official named Gareth LLewellyn about the actions against him of the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service (CSIS). This story is notable for his account of being ‘gang-stalked’ by CSIS. The whole document can be read at . (Yes, I […]

GArrick Timmi text

Lobster Issue

[…] with West Germany (the Federal German Republic). 1 ‘Stasi’ is a contraction of the last word in the title Ministerium für Staatssicherheit – The Ministry of State Security. 2 3 John O. Koehler, Stasi (Boulder : Westview Press, 1999), p. 8. 1 
 The secret life of Bellingcat’s so-called ‘Timmi Allen’ successfully, to obliterate […]

Kincora: abuse and the British state

Lobster Issue 83 (Summer 2022) FREE

[PDF file]: […] take this opportunity to make it absolutely clear that all officials, Government departments and agencies will give their fullest possible cooperation to his Inquiry. This includes the Security Service and the Ministry of Defence, if it transpires they have any relevant information to share. I am confident that a full commitment by all Government […]

The secret life of Bellingcat’s so-called ‘Timmi Allen’

Lobster Issue 87 (2023) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] with West Germany (the Federal German Republic). 1 ‘Stasi’ is a contraction of the last word in the title Ministerium für Staatssicherheit – The Ministry of State Security. 2 3 John O. Koehler, Stasi (Boulder : Westview Press, 1999), p. 8. 1 
 The secret life of Bellingcat’s so-called ‘Timmi Allen’ successfully, to obliterate […]

Team mercenary GB: Part 1 – the early years

Lobster Issue 72 (Winter 2016) FREE

[PDF file]: […] used to transfer their expertise overseas. Mercenary personnel In the mid 1960s two ex-commanders of the Special Air Service, Sir David Stirling and John Woodhouse, formed a security company which they named Watchguard Interational (aka Watchguard). During their military careers, Stirling and Woodhouse had established extensive connections with the ruling families and governments of […]

Sex scandals and sexual blackmail in America’s deep politics

Lobster Issue 73 (Summer 2017) FREE

[PDF file]: […] newspaper should not invade private rights or feelings without sure warrant of public right as distinguished from public curiosity’. A heightened sense of threats to U.S. national security protected Presidents in particular from published gossip. Tougher libel laws in many states also discouraged unconfirmed reports of scandal.14 Enter the Federal Bureau of Investigation Nonetheless, […]

The strength of the Pack by Douglas Valentine

Lobster Issue 59 (Summer 2010) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] and protect the USA. It was not until the death of Philip Agee, probably the dean if not the patron saint of critics of the American national security apparatus, in 2008, that I felt compelled to read his exposé Inside the Company. It was Agee’s memoir, followed by his book On the Run and […]

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