The View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue 60 (Winter 2010) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Dorril need to tell lies about something so piffling? Chemtrails Chemtrails – high altitude aerial spraying for purposes unknown – have become a regular feature on US conspiracy theorists’ websites and are now starting to appear in the UK equivalents. If you presume it’s all hogwash, take a look at . If that isn’t […]

Brexit Revisited: Europe Didn’t Work, and, Brexit Unfolded

Lobster Issue 84 (Winter 2022) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] (and why they were never going to) Chris Grey London: Biteback Publishing, 2021, £14.99 (p/b) Bartholomew Steer I wrote in Lobster 80 on whether Brexit was a conspiracy or a cock-up.1 Water has passed under the bridge since then and I can report that the question posed at the end of the article has […]

The Watergate break-ins and the Howard Hughes connection

Lobster Issue 87 (2023) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] B. Charnay was indicted (and separately sued by the SEC) with Robert Maheu, Howard Hughes, and a top Hughes lawyer on charges of stock manipulation, fraud and conspiracy in connection with the 1968 purchase of Air West, though the indictment was subsequently dismissed by a federal judge who called the alleged behavior ‘reprehensible and […]

And in 5th Place? The long march to Freeport UK

Lobster Issue 80 (Winter 2020) FREE

[PDF file]: […] a country within a country run by whoever owns the GBPA company. Groves was a US investor who was indicted by the US Treasury of charges of conspiracy to defraud in 1939, convicted in 1941, and served time in a Federal penitentiary. After his release he moved to the Bahamas where he pursued the […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 76 (Winter 2018) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] Lobster was and remains a very small publication, the articles published in its early years provide us with a clear sense of the marginal concerns that preoccupied conspiracy theorists . . . .’ 19 A conspiracy theorist, moi? It’s all in the mind There’s a new book about Sweden by a Swede living in […]


Lobster Issue 60 (Winter 2010) FREE

[PDF file]: Contents Lobster 60 Tittle-tattle Tom Easton Readers of Lobster may well encounter the rough ’ conspiracy theorists’ abuse routinely dished out to anyone questioning an orthodox explanation of events. And, indeed, we do well not to seek over-simple, monochrome accounts of complex occurrences. This is a messy world where the level of institutional core […]

Volodymyr Zelensky and the breadbasket-case of Europe: The deep politics of a hybrid regime

Lobster Issue 87 (2023) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] by addressing Ukraine via Facebook. Zelensky warned: ‘On Hallowe’en all the political demons show their faces, and you know who they are.’76 He denounced an imaginary ‘ conspiracy against the President and the country’ which supposedly involved ‘oligarchs and members of the old elite’.77 On 31 October, the Council of Europe’s Venice Commission, which […]

Hess DNA: Round 14

Lobster Issue 80 (Winter 2020) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Reach Tower, Stamford Street, London SE1 9LS March 20, 2020 Questions Arising from the New Scientist article of January 22, 2019: ‘Exclusive: DNA solves Rudolf Hess doppelgänger conspiracy theory’ Dear Ms Wilson, I would like to bring to your attention an article published recently by one of the authors of the research paper that […]

Undercover killers at the BBC

Lobster Issue 84 (Winter 2022) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] danger of television companies employing convicted criminals as researchers.’ Raven was in prison when police used evidence from his spy cameras to help convict four people of conspiracy to counterfeit currency. A BBC News bulletin announced the screening of the corporation’s investigative programme Funny Money: Two years ago a BBC current affairs undercover team […]

The Atlantic Semantic

Lobster Issue 67 (Summer 2014) FREE

[PDF file]: […] unions leaders were agents of Soviet intelligence.2 6 Frolik was being run by the CIA and Dorril and Ramsay viewed this process as evidence of how the conspiracy theories of the subversive-hunters of the British right, such as Brian Crozier, had captured a significant section of the leadership of the Conservative Party which had […]

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