The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 78 (Winter 2019) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] Robin Ramsay Thanks to Nick Must (in particular) and Garrick Alder for editorial and proof-reading assistance with this issue of Lobster. *new* Huh? Belatedly, I read the Labour Party manifesto. Jeremy Corbyn’s foreword includes this: ‘How can it be right that in the fifth richest country in the world, people’s living standards are going […]

Newsinger Bryant copy

Lobster Issue

[…] and How to Do It Chris Bryant London: Bloomsbury, 2023, £14.99, h/b John Newsinger Chris Bryant is a public school–educated former Church of England clergyman, now a Labour MP. He is a committed Christian Socialist and champion of gay rights. He is the author of a number of books, including a history of Christian […]

Blair Inc. by Francis Beckett, David Hencke and Nick Kochan

Lobster Issue 70 (Winter 2015) FREE

[PDF file]: […] European Union. This perceived illegitimacy was acknowledged by the Conservatives, Greens and UKIP who all offered voters on May 7 the opportunity of a referendum. But not Labour, which hardly mentioned the EU in the campaign, leaving it to Blair to bang the Brussels drum. The former Prime Minister’s other campaign bestowal was £1,000 […]

Political life in Britain

Lobster Issue 60 (Winter 2010) FREE

[PDF file]: Contents Political life in Britain Talking to a Brick Wall: How New Labour stopped listening to the voter and why we need a new politics Deborah Mattinson London: Biteback, 2010, £17.99 People, Politics and Pressure Groups: Memoirs of a lobbyist Arthur Butler Hove: Picnic Publishing, £12.99, 2010 Bonfire of the Liberties: New Labour, Human […]

Brexit beginnings

Lobster Issue 87 (2023) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] was weaker than that of either France or Germany, the two other major players in the ERM. Specifically, inflation was three times greater, interest rates higher, and labour productivity lower. The UK insisted on valuing the pound at a high level when it entered the ERM. Partly as a means of attracting money into […]


Lobster Issue 71 (Summer 2016) FREE

[PDF file]: […] to appear out of the current maelstrom of historic VIP abuse allegations, Smile for the Camera, was highly praised when published in 2014.1 Co-written by Simon Danczuk, Labour MP for Rochdale, and Matthew Baker (who, one suspects, did much of the actual writing), its jacket claims that: ‘it’s about those who knew that abuse […]

Code of Conduct: Why We Need to Fix Parliament – and How to Do It by Chris Bryant

Lobster Issue 87 (2023) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] and How to Do It Chris Bryant London: Bloomsbury, 2023, £14.99, h/b John Newsinger Chris Bryant is a public school–educated former Church of England clergyman, now a Labour MP. He is a committed Christian Socialist and champion of gay rights. He is the author of a number of books, including a history of Christian […]

The miners and the secret state

Lobster Issue 58 (Winter 2009/2010) FREE

[PDF file]: […] irreparably damaged. But for MI5 this ‘secret’ link to the Soviet Union was too useful a tool for use against the left in the UK, particularly the Labour * This appeared in Granville Williams (ed.) Shafted: The Media, the Miners’ Strike and the Aftermath (London: Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom, 2009) 1 Falber […]

What if…

Lobster Issue 66 (Winter 2013) FREE

[PDF file]: […] it works. No, the nation rather comfortably replies, on the whole, we ain’t. It was a victory for consensus politics and the British way, rather than for Labour. But Labour, the natural party of government, did it all right, with a 21-seat majority and another five years. Earlier that year, Margaret Thatcher had told […]

The devil has all the best songs: reflections on the life and times of Simon Dee

Lobster Issue 58 (Winter 2009/2010) FREE

[PDF file]: […] country went Communist.’ This could only have been an allusion to the possibility that the general election that was due in late 1964 would result in a Labour government that Major Smedley and his colleagues regarded as seriously – even dangerously – left-wing. Sir Geoffrey Crowther went from Cambridge where he had been President […]

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