How our politicians helped to kill UK manufacturing

Lobster Issue 80 (Winter 2020) FREE

[PDF file]: […] money supply.4 Controlling the money supply can be done by restricting the amount of credit the banks can create. (This was the prescription given to the preceding Labour government by the IMF.) But Lawson, Thatcher and Howe were all linked to the City of London5 and did not believe in controlling banks. So they […]

Tittle Tattle

Lobster Issue 62 (Winter 2011) FREE

[PDF file]: […] its fine track record on other controversial subjects. This is not to be totally wondered at: when the Eye’s regular item on newly elected parliamentarians featured neophyte Labour MP 1 2 3 Luciana Berger, the ex-National Union of Students (NUS) officer who allegedly was romantically close to one of the Blair offspring as well […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 78 (Winter 2019) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] Robin Ramsay Thanks to Nick Must (in particular) and Garrick Alder for editorial and proof-reading assistance with this issue of Lobster. *new* Huh? Belatedly, I read the Labour Party manifesto. Jeremy Corbyn’s foreword includes this: ‘How can it be right that in the fifth richest country in the world, people’s living standards are going […]

Murdoch, Rothschild and the nuclear lobby

Lobster Issue 61 (Summer 2011) FREE

[PDF file]: […] (Harris 2008) and, aside from being Rupert Murdoch’s son-in-law, British Sky Broadcasting is one of Freud’s clients. (Sanghera 2001) In 1997 Freud Communications is listed as a Labour Party sponsor, donating a sum in excess of £5,000. (Aisbitt 1998) Freud had previously sold Freud Communications in 1994, when it was known as Matthew Freud […]

Dangerous Hero, and, Boris Johnson

Lobster Issue 81 (Summer 2021) FREE

[PDF file]: […] organised by communist conspirators’ (p. xvi). This might seem somewhat perverse as he also considers Britain at this time to have had a ‘socialist economy imposed by Labour governments since 1945’. (p. 15) But there you go. One of the great advantages of the classic Red Scare is that it does not have to […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] Robin Ramsay Thanks to Nick Must (in particular) and Garrick Alder for editorial and proof-reading assistance with this issue of Lobster. *new* Huh? Belatedly, I read the Labour Party manifesto. Jeremy Corbyn’s foreword includes this: ‘How can it be right that in the fifth richest country in the world, people’s living standards are going […]

The View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] by and excluded from politics, largely because their voices matter so little for the reasons above. Effectively, we are all living in Italy under Silvio Berlusconi.’ Wither Labour? I wasn’t going to bother adding my 5p’s worth to the discussion about the Labour Party’s future but then I saw the following quote from Ken […]

Sailing Close To The Wind: Reminiscences by Dennis Skinner and Kevin Maguire

Lobster Issue 69 (Summer 2015) FREE

[PDF file]: Confessions of a Labour loyalist Sailing Close To The Wind: Reminiscences Dennis Skinner and Kevin Maguire London: Quercus, £20.00, h/b In his extremely useful memoir of the Blair government, Adam Boulton notes that the unlikely figure of Dennis Skinner had been ‘recruited into Blair’s big tent’. He goes on to comment on how Skinner […]

View from Bridge copy

Lobster Issue

[…] claims against that case have been rebutted by me 4 – and, in much more detail, by David Denton.5 If this is of interest, read Denton. *new* Labour and and the Israel lobby Following one of those Internet trails, I came across the new(ish) website of the excellent Matt Taibbi 6 and found he […]

View from Bridge copy

Lobster Issue

[…] claims against that case have been rebutted by me 4 – and by David Denton, in much more detail.5 If this is of interest, read Denton. *new* Labour and and the Israel lobby Following one of those Internet trails, I came across the new(ish) website of the excellent Matt Taibbi 6 and found he […]

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