Behind right-wing conspiracy theories

Lobster Issue 8 (1985) £££

[…] meeting in secret to plot the future of the continent. Even radical opposition to the Boer War was, on occasion, couched in terms of opposition to Jewish gold millionaires who were blamed for the war.(5) As many British Jews were recent immigrants, hysteria against German ‘spies’ and ‘aliens’ became readily mixed with anti-semitism when […]

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Web Update

Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££

[…] other), conspiracy and health. Site broken up into 1995 and 1996, and gives monthly list of items published. 1996 includes Oklahoma City bombings, Waco, Ron Brown, Nazi gold, Marilyn, Kennedy and the Mob, the buying of the President, bovine growth hormone, Gulf War syndrome and aspartame (widely used artificial sweetener thought to be associated […]

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Brief Notes on the Political Importance of Secret Societies (Part 2)

Lobster Issue 6 (1984) £££

[…] Dick Bissell, and kindred spirits. (34) Other CIA veterans have confirmed the existence of similar associations within the agency, with names like the “Century group” and the “Gold Key group”. Further research is obviously needed to uncover the membership and significance of these secret societies within the intelligence communities themselves. These examples of the […]

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Lobster Issue 32: Contents

Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££

[…] Trust turned me down in a flash. Anybody got suggestions as to sources of funding for an enterprise as eccentric as this one? (Where is the Moscow gold when you need it?) Errors in the previous issue Footnote 1, page 23, second line, ‘denied’ omitted after ‘previously’. Page 15, second paragraph, third line. ’27 […]

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Brief Notes On The Political Importance Of Secret Societies

Lobster Issue 5 (1984) £££

[…] and take over the Templars. Through fraud and strong-arm tactics – methods that came naturally to Lascorz, who was as proficient at blackmail as he was at gold and arms smuggling – Lascorz did take control and staff key offices of the Templars with trusted associates from SAC. Its influence should not be underestimated; […]

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The Great Alliance: Economic Recovery and the Problems of Power 1945-51

Lobster Issue 31 (June 1996) £££

[…] government in late 1949, giving such as evidence as it had for its communist conspiracy thesis, he does not discuss its contents. Wonder why not? Notes 1 This subject was touched on in my ‘Moscow gold: the “Communist threat” in post-war Britain’ in Lobster 25, and again in the special issue, advertised in this issue.

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The influence of intelligence services on the British left

Lobster Issue

[…] influence they had opinions vary. But the fact that they had any influence at all is largely down to MI5. We now know there really was Moscow gold in the CPGB; sacks of used notes were transferred from the Soviet Embassy to the party. But the point is this: MI5 knew about this as […]

The Anti-CND Groups. Ingrams

Lobster Issue 4 (1984) £££

[…] and for his other ‘silent kill’ devices. He has been called the ‘principal supplier of the CIA’s most sophisticated weapons’ (in ‘Ken Burnstine’ by Gaeton Fonzi, in Gold Coast May 1982). Werbell’s firm, Studies in the Operational Negation of Insurgents and Counter Subversion (Sonics), produced the M10/11 silenced machine pistol. The sales company was […]

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Mrs Thatcher, North Sea oil and the hegemony of the City

Lobster Issue 27 (1994) £££

[…] always work in the same direction — in the interests of the City, not the manufacturing economy — and have done so since the restoration of the gold standard. Nothing was more certain, for example, than that Britain would join the ERM at too high a sterling value for the manufacturing sector. ‘Twas ever […]

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Pius XII, the Holocaust and the Cold War

Book cover
Lobster Issue 57 (Summer 2009) £££

[…] its way through the US legal system. Why the refusal? As Michael Phayer makes clear, in his fascinating new book, the Vatican bank still holds the Ustasa gold looted by the Croatian fascists during the Second World War.(1) Ante Pavelic’s Ustasa regime was responsible for the deaths of some 50,000 Jews and between 300 […]

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