Foreign Agent 4221: The Lockerbie Cover-up

Lobster Issue 30 (December 1995) £££

William C. Chasey ProMotion Publishing, 3368 F Governor Drive, Suite 144, San Diego, CA 92122, $19.95. ISBN 1-887314-01-6 Chasey was the foreign agent 4221, that is a lobbyist registered with the US Department of Justice, who took a PR contract from the government of Libya to try and help normalise relations with the U.S. […]

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Public Servant, Secret Agent: The Elusive Life and Violent Death of Airey Neave

Book cover
Lobster Issue 43 (Summer 2002) £££

Paul Routledge London: Fourth Estate, 2002, £16.99 In Lobster 39 (p. 23) I reported the snippet of information from a recent biography of James Callaghan that Mrs Thatcher, while leader of the Opposition, in 1977 had twice gone to to see Robert Armstrong, then Home Office liaison with MI5, to put the beliefs of her … Read more

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The World That Never Was. A True Story of Dreamers, Schemers, Anarchists and Secret Agents by Alex Butterworth

Lobster Issue 59 (Summer 2010) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Rachkovsky, in particular being central to this tale, with infiltration of revolutionary groups; his recruiting of revolutionaries and turning them into informers; the use of his star agent Abraham Hekkelman (aka Landesen, Arkady Harting) to foment violent acts as a pretext for state repression and manipulation of interstate relationships; not to forget his use […]

Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico: new leads

Lobster Issue 6 (1984) £££

[…] code-named ‘solo’. (12) Childs, a member of the CPUSA, and an informant for the FBI, was sent by Hoover to Cuba in early 1964 as an undercover agent to learn what he could about the assassination from Castro. ‘Solo’ returned to tell Hoover that Castro said Oswald in Mexico City “vowed in the presence […]

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DEA, Crime and the Press Today

Lobster Issue 12 (1986) £££

[…] team was ready to go on a major narcotics operation involving the flow of Mexican drugs to “a Las Vegas associate of Joseph Colombo”: Instead … the agent in charge barked out a sharp dozen words or so and ordered the project dropped. “He informed us that he didn’t want us wasting our time […]

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US General Accounting Office Reports

Lobster Issue 29 (1995) £££

Compiled by Jane Affleck The US GAO is the investigative arm of the US Congress, and is charged with examining all matters relating to the receipt and disbursement of public funds. It conducts audits, surveys, investigations and evaluations of federal programmes, either at its own initiative or at the request of Congressional Committees or members. … Read more

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Following in Uncle Sam’s dirty footsteps: chemical and biological warfare testing in the UK

Lobster Issue 36 (Winter 1998/9) £££

[…] category which are listed only by name and number, and about which nothing is known, such as; BPL, BHA, blue27/b bomb, freon pe65702a, JEDS, SAEB, tc-83, td-1 agent, nl-1 agent, and many more. In another letter, dated 21 June 1995, in response to my inquiry concerning the use of chemical biological agents in populated […]

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Cold War Stories

Lobster Issue 42 (Winter 2001/2) £££

[…] last Saturday, Raymond Garthoff, a distinguished historian now with the Brookings Institute and a former CIA analyst, mentioned that we had recently learned of an FBI-Army double agent operation that may have spurred the Soviets to produce more lethal chemical and biological agents. He was referring to David Wise’s book, Cassidy’s Run: The Secret […]

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Fiji coup update

Lobster Issue 15 (1988) £££

[…] Bacon, based on a TV programme she did for the Australian SBS company (Somebody’s Man in Fiji, The Listener December 26 1987). Freeman looks like a CIA agent, actually boasts (eg to Bacon) that he is CIA, and he has ex US military and special forces people working for him. He fits the bill […]

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Britain spinning in the Sibel Edmonds web

Lobster Issue 56 (Winter 2008/9) £££

[…] were made by individuals involved in the intelligence operations monitoring the network. Success, however, seems to have been met with shutdown, if not outright censure. U.K. Customs agent, Atif Amin, is the prime example of such official interference on the British front. Amin’s investigation (‘Operation Akin’) was aborted, despite successfully closing in on the […]

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