The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation around the World by Antony Loewenstein

Lobster Issue 87 (2023) FREE
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[PDF file]: The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation around the World Antony Loewenstein London: Verso, 2023, £11.39 (h/b) Colin Challen The author describes himself as an atheist Jew and, judging by his book, he may be described as an anti-Zionist, too. Certainly some will see this book as feeding the so-called anti-Semitic […]

WEAPONISING ANTI-SEMITISM: How The Israel Lobby Brought Down Jeremy Corbyn

Lobster Issue 86 (2023) FREE
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[PDF file]: WEAPONISING ANTI-SEMITISM How The Israel Lobby Brought Down Jeremy Corbyn Asa Winstanley New York: OR Books, 2023, £15.00, p/b Robin Ramsay This book recounts the creation of the Corbyn-is-anti-semitic lie by the Israel lobby. Looked at another way, the author has written an unprecedented exposé of a successful political operation in Britain. For an […]

Things Israeli

Lobster Issue 5 (1984) £££

[…] Protocols of the Elders of Zion are being adhered to word by word, by the Jewish influenced Western Governments.” Taking Sides: America’s Secret Relations With A Militant Israel 1948-68 Stephen Green, Faber and Faber, London 1984 In which author Green gets access to US archives and pulls out some plums … In other words […]

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Londonistan: How Britain is creating a terror state within

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Lobster Issue 53 (Summer 2007) £££

[…] has nothing to do with the actions of the British, American or Israeli states. As you can imagine, this requires some intricate footwork. Inter alia she writes: ‘Israel and parts of the West Bank were the ancient Jewish national home before this land was conquered by Arabs…..the fight against Israel is not funda-mentally about […]

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The American Papers: India, Pakistan and Bangladesh documents

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Lobster Issue 43 (Summer 2002) £££

[…] at putting the documents in historical context. Stephen Green, when writing the revealing book, Taking Sides, gained access to various US government documents concerning its relations with Israel during the period 1948-1967 and used them to reinterpret Israel’s history with the US. With The American Papers, all we are provided with are edited documents […]

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Terrorism: how the West can win

Lobster Issue 13 (1987) £££

[…] can win editor Benjamin Netanyahu (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London 1986) This is a collection of papers read at the 1984 Jonathan Institute conference on terrorism held in Israel, and because these were originally papers there is no documentation: what we have is 230 pages of assertions. The contributors range from current “experts” on terrorism […]

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Old spooks’ tales

Lobster Issue 36 (Winter 1998/9) £££

[…] to Jewish summer camps…..’ ‘In every war the Israelis have fought US and British intelligence have given all Israel’s secrets to the Arabs….. the guy who saved Israel in the ’73 war was the White House Chief of Staff, Alexander Haig….’ ‘BCCI – the joke is that it stands for British Cover for Collecting […]

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The rise of warfare capitalism

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Lobster Issue 54 (Winter 2007/8) £££

[…] to withdraw that support. If Nick Cohen is a sell-out then so am I. When Peter Hitchens accuses the SWP of anti-Semitism, questions the absurd idea that Israel is responsible for all of the problems of the Middle East and slams the Left for defining Hizbullah as freedom fighters, he is right. At its […]

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The Road to Jerusalem: Glubb Pasha, Palestine and the Jews

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Lobster Issue 45 (Summer 2003) £££

[…] Morris London: I. B Tauris, 2002, £24.50, h/b   In report after report on the major media we hear about or see pictures of ‘refugee camps’ in Israel – and no-one ever explains from where the refugees came. Perhaps editors think we know already. Benny Morris is an Israeli historian who became well known […]

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Good-bye Tony

Lobster Issue 53 (Summer 2007) £££

[…] continental control of our utilities. It is difficult to imagine a British foreign policy that is not heavily influenced by the interests of the United States or Israel, with a dangerously free hand given to the Russian oligarchs in London. Revitalising the country that ran the world’s largest empire was never going to be […]

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