The Nemesis File: the true story of an SAS execution squad

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Lobster Issue 31 (June 1996) £££

[…] Blake Publishing, London 1995, £15.99 The pseudonymous author claims to have been a member of a clandestine 4-man SAS squad which assassinated a couple of dozen alleged IRA members in the 1971-3 period in Northern Ireland. The author’s taped and transcribed memories are intercut with sections from an uncredited ghost writer – apparently Nick […]

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A Very British Jihad

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Lobster Issue 47 (Summer 2004) £££

[…] without destroying the Provos. Larkin believes that a decision was made by the British state in the mid-1980s to train, arm and direct loyalist para-militaries against the IRA. The one piece missing from his analysis is evidence of the political dimension. Did the Conservative government approve of this? Did they know of this? Larkin […]

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Inside the UDA

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Lobster Issue 47 (Summer 2004) £££

[…] perception is that of a community that has systematically lost out, while Republicans hijack the Good Friday Agreement to their own ends. Nor, in contrast to the IRA, have Loyalists duped a section of the left into seeing them as freedom fighters. Historically, even bourgeois and mainstream unionists have been quite inept at handling […]

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The 1986 National Front Split, Part 1

Lobster Issue 29 (1995) £££

[…] certain distance from the leadership. Brady has said this label was his idea, the lesson having been drawn from Northern Ireland that what was once the Provisional IRA is now the IRA proper, and the ‘Official IRA’ is nowhere.(37) A long hot summer That there was no let-up in the internal conflict was in […]

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MISC.: Wapping. Gordiefsky. October Surprise. Stone’s JFK. Martin Luther King

Lobster Issue 26 (1993) £££

[…] think what you have to communicate is so important or so secret, it shouldn’t be sent by letter at all. An oldie but a goodie After the IRA shot dead a British soldier with a single shot, Independent Television News on Saturday July 17 commented that there was ‘speculation that the IRA had trained […]

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Getting it right: the security agencies in modern society

Lobster Issue 41 (Summer 2001) £££

[…] anti-terrorism franchise. MI5 won. Part of the reason for MI5’s hatred of David Shayler is his revelation of just how incompetent MI5 were in dealing with the IRA in the UK having won that franchise. Currently there is a major struggle going on between the RUC Special Branch and the Army, with the RUC […]

Terror Within

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Lobster Issue 54 (Winter 2007/8) £££

[…] also suffers from strange lacunae in its coverage. Bloom has much to say about Irish nationalist violence in England in the 19th century, but totally ignores the IRA bombing campaigns in the 1950s and then from the 1970s until the 1990s (apart from the attempt to blow up Margaret Thatcher and her cabinet at […]

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Lobster Issue 41 (Summer 2001) £££

[…] most startling story I have seen recently is the following. It appeared in the Sunday edition of the generally highly reliable Glasgow Herald. ‘Undercover soldiers trapped in IRA’ by Neil Mackay, Home Affairs Editor, Sunday Herald, 28 January 2001, began thus: ‘At least 16 British Army officers, who are currently working undercover as spies […]

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Parapolitical bits and pieces

Lobster Issue 7 (1985) £££

[…] the work of the British state, jogging the arm of the legislature. A similar move had been made when the Irish Republic was considering legislation against the IRA. An hour or so before the crucial vote in the Irish parliament a couple of car-bombs went off in Dublin. Although the evidence is nothing like […]

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Changing the guard: Notes on the Round Table network and its offspring

Lobster Issue 6 (1984) £££

The journal, The Round Table, originally the public face of the secret Round Table network, has reappeared after folding in the late 1970s. It’s new editorial board includes MPs Donald Anderson, Guy Barnett, Robert Jackson, Robert Rhodes-James, and Cabinet Minister Timothy Raison. Other well-known names about London’s elite circles involved are D.C. Watt and Alexander […]

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