Web update

Lobster Issue 38 (Winter 1999) £££

[…] collections of continuing public interest (Guatemala collection, El Salvador collection, Raoul Wallenberg, CIA creation docs). New material includes the Chile Declassification Project – documents released by CIA, FBI, NARA and Depts of Defense, Justice and State, detailing human rights abuses and terrorism in Chile, mainly 1968-72, also 1973-8. Can search database and download documents […]

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Mind Control and the American Government

Lobster Issue 23 (1992) £££

[…] breathless terms the possible uses of hypnosis in warfare.(5) The Army was intrigued; Estabrooks had a job. The true history of Estabrooks’ wartime collaboration with the CID, FBI (6) and other agencies may never be told: after the war he burned his diary pages covering the years 1940-45, and thereafter avoided discussing his continuing […]

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Decoding Edward Jay Epstein’s ‘LEGEND’

Lobster Issue 2 (1983) £££

[…] been considered.) Nosenko, we are told, split the US intelligence community. Most of the CIA accepted him as a genuine defector: CI refused to do so. The FBI accepted him as genuine because parts of what he was saying were being confirmed by the FBI’s own ‘mole’ still in place at the UN: to […]

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Lobster Issue 46 (Winter 2003) £££

Bilderberg Originally given as a paper at the British Association for American Studies 2002 Annual Postgraduate Conference, this draws on newly available archival evidence to document the origins of the Bilderberg Group. It also considers the various conspiracy theories which have attached themselves to the Group. Is it a CIA plot to undermine socialism or […]

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The Tory Right between the wars

Lobster Issue 15 (1988) £££

[…] Directorships (directors identified): Interests represented by directors: Methods: Objects: National Alliance of Employers and Employed 1916 63 (13) predominantly engineering, banking and railways; many prominent members of FBI propaganda, literature, social meetings, ‘economic education’ class peace and constructive reform Industrial League and Council 1919 78 (22) manufacturing, metallurgy, chemicals, brewing propaganda, formation of works […]

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Kitson revisited

Lobster Issue 43 (Summer 2002) £££

The publication of Frank Kitson’s Low Intensity Operations in 1971 created a storm on the left.(1) An influential British army officer with considerable experience of colonial warfare was advocating that the army prepare for counterinsurgency operations at home. As far as Kitson was concerned there was a serious danger of revolutionary disturbance in Britain in […]

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The JFK Assassination on film, televison and video

Lobster Issue 26 (1993) £££

[…] WBAP-TV was at least one local station which shot the press conference. Dallas Secret Service Chief Sorrels included this in a TV inventory he sent to the FBI. This advised that if it were not required the station would wipe the tape and use it again. This they apparently did. See No. 61. Two […]

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U.S Army Intelligence mind control experimentation

Lobster Issue 23 (1992) £££

[…] with the method applied to enhance their conventional interrogation standards. Although little concern was shown, the question of co-ordination with other agencies such as the CIA and FBI was raised. The final decision was made that the co-ordination with the other agencies would be postponed until after the conclusion of the field tests in […]

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Drugging America: a Trojan Horse

Book cover
Lobster Issue 38 (Winter 1999) £££

[…] In effect, some of the world’s major drug-dealers have become immune to serious prosecution by US authorities. National security (covering the CIA’s bureaucratic ass) overrides the DEA, FBI, Department of Justice etc. Inside this overall structure some CIA personnel have become corrupt, just as some politicians have taken drug money. The combination of national […]

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A Who’s Who of Appeasers, 1939-41

Lobster Issue 22 (1991) £££

[…] Stanford, California; B.H. Liddell Hart papers (King’s College, London); R.R. Stokes papers, Bodleian Library, Oxford; papers of the Spanish Foreign Ministry archives, Madrid; documents released by the FBI under the Freedom of Information Acts. Published: Documenti Diplomatici Italiani (DDI) Documents on German Foreign Policy (DGFP) Nicholas Bethell, The War Hitler Won (1972) Anthony Cave […]

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