DEA, Crime and the Press Today

Lobster Issue 12 (1986) £££

Transnationalised Repression; Parafascism and the U.S. If these reports are true, we can reasonably conclude that the old CIA-organised crime connection. though technically banished from the CIA after Jack Anderson’s exposure of it in January 1971, was still pursuing its old political objectives under White House -narcotics cover in 1971-2, pending its intended integration […]

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Web update

Lobster Issue 38 (Winter 1999) £££

[…] records and info access programs.’ Displays frequently-requested documents released under FOIA and spe cial interest collections of continuing public interest (Guatemala collection, El Salvador collection, Raoul Wallenberg, CIA creation docs). New material includes the Chile Declassification Project – documents released by CIA, FBI, NARA and Depts of Defense, Justice and State, detailing human rights […]

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Right-wing Terrorists and the Extraparliamentary Left in Post-World War 2 Europe: Collusion or Manipulation?

Lobster Issue 18 (1989) £££

[…] fascist subversion’, which was divided into several components (92), including: an espionage office ‘covered’ by the PIDE/DGS and purportedly (93) linked to the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the West German Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) (94), the Spanish Direccion General de Seguridad (DGS), the Greek Kentrike Yperesia Plirophorion (KYP or Central Intelligence Service), and the South […]

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Lobster Issue 57 (Summer 2009) £££

CIA: read all about it The most striking intelligence story since the last issue was Tim Spicer’s ‘CIA warns Barack Obama that British terrorists are the biggest threat to the US’.(1) It included this: ‘A British intelligence source revealed that a staggering four out of ten CIA operations designed to thwart direct attacks […]

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SISies: MI6, and, A Life: A. J. Ayer (Book reviews)

Book cover
Lobster Issue 40 (Winter 2000/1) £££

[…] possible in the present volume. Fair enough. As the British Empire dissolved in the post-war period, MI6, the foreign intelligence service, often accompanied by the recently created CIA, moved into the newly emergent countries recently vacated by MI5, the service responsible not only for domestic security in the UK but also throughout the Empire; […]

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A Note on MRA, CIA and L. Ron. Hubbard

Lobster Issue 39 (Summer 2000) £££

A Note on MRA, CIA and L. Ron. Hubbard In response to my snippet in Lobster 38 (p.22) on Moral Rearmament and the CIA, Daniel Brandt (1) sent me the following from Miles Copeland’s, The Game Player: Confessions of the CIA’s Original Political Operative (London: Aurum Press, 1989, pp. 176-177). This is a nice […]

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Secret Agenda: Watergate, Deep Throat and the CIA

Lobster Issue 8 (1985) £££

Secret Agenda: Watergate, Deep Throat and the CIA Jim Hougan (Random House, US 1984) Those who read Hougan’s last book Spooks will know that the arrival or a new one is something of an event. As expected, his latest has so many trails to follow, intriguing little titbits to ponder that one read is […]

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‘Privatising’ covert action: the case of the Unification Church

Lobster Issue 21 (1991) £££

[…] of eye-opening newspaper articles that appeared in mid-March of 1978, which the following headline in the 16 March Washington Star perfectly summarized: ‘Moon’s Church Founded by Korean CIA Chief as Political Tool, Panel Says’. These articles were all based on an unevaluated U.S. CIA report released by the Fraser Subcommittee and dated 26 February […]

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Tolerated Crime and Tolerated Murder

Lobster Issue 12 (1986) £££

[…] Confessions in the latter case implicated Dr. Orlando Bosch Avila, a Cuban emigre then living in Venezuela and a veteran of at least three anti-Castro plots with CIA and/or Mafia backing. Bosch, in turn, had participated enough in the planning of the Letelier assassination by Cuban exiles to give information leading to subpoenas for […]

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Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion

Book cover
Lobster Issue 36 (Winter 1998/9) £££

[…] Professor of English Emeritus at the University of California at Berkeley. Two years ago Gary Webb touched off a national controversy with his news stories linking the CIA and the Nicaraguan Contras to the rise of the crack epidemic in Los Angeles and elsewhere. His gripping new book, richly researched and documented, deserves an […]

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