The Case Against Israel, and, The Power of Israel

Book cover
Lobster Issue 52 (Winter 2006/7) £££

The Case Against Israel Michael Neumann Oakland (US): CounterPunch, $15 Edinburgh (UK): AK Press, £10, 2005 The Power of Israel in the United States James Petras Atlanta and Black Point: Clarity Press and Fernwood Books, 2006, $16.95   In a year in which Israel’s attacks on Lebanon and Gaza were accompanied by more stories of […]

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Getting it right: the security agencies in modern society

Lobster Issue 41 (Summer 2001) £££

[…] King saying that: ‘splendid chaps doing a wonderful job.’ Tom King, as they say, isn’t the sharpest knife in the kitchen drawer. This may explain why Mr Blair left him in the job when Labour won the election in 1997. The Labour Party’s passivity in face of the secret state is a more complex […]

Some examples of corporate, cultural and state PR

Lobster Issue 52 (Winter 2006/7) £££

[…] bad taste, it has set aside $20m for Washington’s Victory in Iraq celebration.() Prime Minister Blair’s legacy By the time the Victory Party takes place, Prime Minister Blair will be out of office. Nevertheless, he will be one of the guests. The severed limbs of others have earned him his place at Washington’s top […]

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Lobster Issue 51 (Summer 2006) £££

[…] New Labour? The spoils of war Mattinson’s overall boss at Chime Communications, Lord Bell, was one of the beneficiaries of taxpayers’ largesse through contracts issued by the Blair government for post-invasion work in Iraq. Bell’s Bell-Pottinger – for a while home to No 10 press chief David Hill where he worked on the Monsanto […]

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Blair Inc. by Francis Beckett, David Hencke and Nick Kochan

Lobster Issue 70 (Winter 2015) FREE

[PDF file]: Blair Inc. Francis Beckett, David Hencke and Nick Kochan London: John Blake, 2015, £20.00, h/b O ne of the two reported contributions Tony Blair made to Labour’s 2015 election campaign was a speech in support of the European Union. In April the former leader said: ‘The referendum will, for the first time since […]

Blair and Israel

Lobster Issue 73 (Summer 2017) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Amazon and Abebooks. It originally appeared in Lobster 43 and seems worth reposting in the context of the Al Jazeera revelations about Israeli operations in British politics.1 Blair and Israel Robin Ramsay In January 1994, three months before John Smith’s death, the then shadow Home Secretary Tony Blair, with wife Cherie Booth, went on […]

The Blair Supremacy A study in the politics of Labour’s party management by Lewis Minkin

Lobster Issue 82 (Winter 2021) FREE

[PDF file]: The Blair Supremacy A study in the politics of Labour’s party management Lewis Minkin Manchester University Press, 2014, 798 pp. Colin Challen Published seven years ago, Minkin’s book has taken on a new relevance and I have been prompted to review it by two events. The first was the death of its author earlier […]

New Labour tittle-tattle

Lobster Issue 54 (Winter 2007/8) £££

[…] the prudence on which Prime Minister Gordon Brown built his reputation. The man tasked with sorting out the financial mess now that Lord Levy has followed Tony Blair into the sunset is his old Labour Friends of Israel (LFI) colleague Jon Mendelsohn. Announcing the appointment of the business lobbyist in August, Labour said Mendelsohn’s […]

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How to Fix an Election

Lobster Issue 43 (Summer 2002) £££

[…] the Today programme’s ‘Man of the Year’ award. Allow researchers to count votes. Choke off supply of spontaneous votes with a prompted supply of votes for Tony Blair. BBC staff continue to count. Proven: Tony Blair is Man of the Year, 1996 – or would have been, had this delightful scam not been discovered […]

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Iraq misc.

Lobster Issue 46 (Winter 2003) £££

[…] the final day, the one-day session tacked on at the end, Sir Kevin Tebbitt, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Defence, very carefully stuck the knife into Blair telling Lord Hutton that Blair had chaired the meeting which decided to identify Dr Kelly to the media. This statement told Hutton that Blair had lied; […]

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