American PR and Iraq

Lobster Issue 47 (Summer 2004) £££

[…] of a mind control practitioner going about his work.(12) ‘Poor’ brand ambassadors In Britain, an example of a ‘poor’ BA was Sir John Scarlett, the country’s joint intelligence co-ordinator, who, giving evidence to the televised Hutton inquiry, and in an unsuccessful effort to control/downplay events, ignored his global audience. (13) So did the most […]

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The two Indonesias and the two Americas

Lobster Issue 35 (Summer 1998) £££

[…] East Timor were routinely beaten while in the process of being detained…. Four residents of Lavateri village near Baucau, East Timor detained on April 4 by an intelligence team, were reportedly beaten with rifle butts, with one individual suffering a broken rib and another having a cross carved into the palm of her hand. […]

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Parafinance: Enron and drilling for red ink

Lobster Issue 43 (Summer 2002) £££

[…] 1997 in a search for papers relating to Fininvest. (19) Very little paper work had survived, however. Many papers had been shredded to save space. (20) Berlusconi’s intelligence connections are unclear, as are Andersen’s. They have been his long-term accountants since he made his first fortune in a Milanese housing deal politically leveraged by […]

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Domestic Repression and DEA Narcotics Enforcement

Lobster Issue 12 (1986) £££

[…] (New York, Simon and Schuster, 1976): p81 cf. Watergate Hearings, Vol.2 p788 U.S. Cong. House Committee on Armed Services, Inquiry into the Alleged Involvement of the Central Intelligence Agency in the Watergate and Ellsberg Matters, Hearings, 94th Congress, 1st session (1974) pp 513-14. Henceforth cited as Nedzi Hearings. Lukas, pp167-88,196; Steve Weissman (ed.) Big […]

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How many divisions does the Pope have?

Book cover
Lobster Issue 44 (Winter 2002/3) £££

[…] seeking support for what was called a Danube Confederation. This was actually a recasting of Intermarium, a project that the Vatican, and, to a certain extent, British Intelligence, had tinkered with since the 20s. This produced little actual success. Two British-backed attempts to install pro-western clericalist governments in Poland and Slovakia before the arrival […]

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Starting Notes On The British In Vietnam

Lobster Issue 4 (1984) £££

[…] 1969. During the Vietnam War the GCHQ monitoring station at Little Sai Wan in Hong Kong (UKC 201 in the international Sigint network) provided the Americans with intelligence up to 1975, long after Harold Wilson had – publicly at least – expressed his Government’s opposition to the war. The NSA co-ordinated all signals intelligence […]

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Lobster Issue 25 (1993) £££

[…] in parapolitics in the United States. And not before time. The interest in conspiracies is simply reality breaking through. The Reagan-Thatcher years saw unprecedented expansions of unregulated intelligence and military agencies, and breathtaking multi-billion rip-offs (most obviously, in the U.S., the S and L scam; in the UK, privatisation). No one should be remotely […]

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The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££

[…] Wilson’s Cabinet Office is infiltrated. Rhodesian agents murder one of their own operatives who has turned against them in London, and another agent is killed by British intelligence after they and Special Branch monitor his activities. The agent, Geoff Dominy ….’ (emphasis added) Typical of Searchlight to make a startling allegation without offering any […]

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The ‘Terrorist Threat’ in Britain

Lobster Issue 17 (1988) £££

[…] the British Right’s ideological package, but in the past few years they have become much more explicit. At one level it looks fairly straightforward. The British military/ intelligence complex has been preparing for years for the time when the ‘Soviet threat’ ceases to guarantee their budgets. And that might be soon. Georgi(?) Arbatov, one […]

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America, drugs, corruption and the British national interest

Lobster Issue 51 (Summer 2006) £££

[…] In MarchThe Scotsman carried the comments of Juval Aviv, PamAm’s senior Lockerbie investigator.() Aviv offered a version of the story first told by Lester Coleman, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) officer, in Trail of the Octopus. () The Aviv-Coleman version is that the bomb was put on the plane at Frankfurt. In 1987 US […]

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