The Kincora scandal and related subjects

Lobster Issue 19 (1990) £££

[…] all about Kincora in 1974 — Ed Moloney and Andy Pollak, Irish Times, 25 June 1985, p. 7. MI5 knew about assault allegations, Kincora cover-up part of intelligence plot — Ed Moloney and Andy Pollak, Irish Times, 26 June 1985, p. 16. The queer card — Phoenix, 8 November 1985, p. 9. Epilogue on […]

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Our American problem

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Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

[…] wrote that book – The End of History – showing that the American Way was the ultimate human achievement. Others are (or were) prominent in the American intelligence community, including Carnes Lord, Abram Shulsky and Gary Schmitt. All these were either taught by Strauss directly, or by students of his. So was the author […]

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Crozier country: Free Agent: the unseen war 1941-1991

Lobster Issue 26 (1993) £££

[…] which begins with the Leveller, the State Research collective and Time Out — basically got it right: Crozier was a spook, working for the British and American intelligence services. Crozier would deny that he worked for anybody: ‘at all times I remained independent, executing only tasks that were in line with my own objectives.'(pp. […]

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Miscellaneous: Manning Clark. L. Ron Hubbard Jnr.

Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££

[…] (Penthouse June 1983) In a mass of fascinating stories of Hubbard Snr., is an account of him selling military secrets to the Soviets, and the Soviet bloc intelligence services sending agents into the Scientology org – precisely because the ideas of scientology appealed to people like the RV scientists who, in the course of […]

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Pissing in or pissing out? The ‘big tent’ of Green Alliance

Lobster Issue 42 (Winter 2001/2) £££

[…] ever profits, £9bn and £9.8bn respectively. (2) This was followed by curious press reports that both Shell and BP had hired ex-MI6 staff and a former German intelligence agent to infiltrate Greenpeace (3) and that Tesco had asked MI5 to investigate the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. In an obscure spat about […]

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After Watergate: the Chilean-Cuban Exile Alliance

Lobster Issue 12 (1986) £££

[…] might be assassinated during his trip of 1976 to Costa Rica, Orlando Bosch, who was also in Costa Rica on a false Chilean passport from the Chilean intelligence service (DINA), was jailed for the duration of Kissinger’s visit. (104) The friend who helped arrange his release, former Bay of Pigs leader, Manuel Artime, could […]

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America, Israel and the Israel lobby

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Lobster Issue 57 (Summer 2009) £££

[…] deals with the 2003 invasion of Iraq which, the authors argue, was triggered by intense Israeli lobbying of the US and the provision by Israel of misleading intelligence to back up the view that an invasion and war was urgently required. It is conclusively demonstrated by Mearsheimer and Walt that neither oil companies nor […]

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Sources: Roundtable. U.N. Lockerbie, etc

Lobster Issue 37 (Summer 1999) £££

[…] on the bombing of Earth First’s Judi Bari; Kenn Thomas on attempts to get Timothy Leary’s FBI file via the FOIA; a disinformation operation by South African intelligence (the non-existent FAPLA); a memoir of radical politics in the mid-West of the 1930s; interview with Flatland editor Jim Martin; plus new books and the Flatland […]

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Splinter Factor update

Lobster Issue 23 (1992) £££

[…] it is clear that Sulzberger shared the paper’s intimate relations with the CIA.20 .Hayden B. Peake sent me a photocopy of the review of Splinter Factor from Intelligence and Espionage; an Analytical Bibliography by George Constantinides (Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado). This includes ‘The story is quite unreliable… one of the worst books to appear […]

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Mob Rule. The Money and the Power: The Making of Las Vegas and Its Hold on America 1947-2000

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Lobster Issue 44 (Winter 2002/3) £££

[…] the OSS during the war, working closely with James Angleton. He had also worked with Meyer Lansky on Operation Underworld, the Mob’s first contact with the US intelligence community. Peter Dale Scott describes White in Deep Politics and the Death of JFK as ‘part of the “inner circle”‘, one of those who liaised between […]

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