Lobster review: Sunday Herald, 17 August 2003

Lobster Issue

A  review of Lobster in the Sunday Herald, 17 August 2003.

[PDF file]: […] Chris Blatt Behindology: the study of hard political realities obscured by layers of hype and spin. Britain’s leading professor on the subject, irascible Scot Robin Ramsay, publishes conspiracy theory magazine Lobster from his front room in Hull. Reading it may just change your view of the world … HO whacked JFK? What happened to […]

Dallas again

Lobster Issue 83 (Summer 2022) FREE

[PDF file]: […] behavior that suggest he may have had some prior knowledge or guilty knowledge. Going beyond that and connecting the dots to a totally initiated and organized Johnson conspiracy is something else entirely.’14 As far as I am aware, Mr Hancock’s excellent work on the material did not interest any other major researcher; and he […]

A Cruel and Shocking Act: The Secret History of the Kennedy Assassination by Philip Shenon

Lobster Issue 68 (Winter 2014) FREE

[PDF file]: […] prior conclusion. And what is mind-spatter? Shenon’s book is an attempt to ‘understand the mindspatter of the report ’ continues Dean. Further, ‘Days after the killing, as conspiracy theories were already beginning to swarm regarding plots by the Cuban and Soviet governments, President Lyndon Johnson wanted to nip them in the bud’ and thus […]


Lobster Issue 59 (Summer 2010) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Robin Ramsay SCADS The entire February 2010 issue of the American Behavioural Scientist was devoted to State Crimes Against Democracy (SCADS) – parapolitics to you and me; conspiracy theories to the major media. The individual papers (which used to be online but have since been removed) are nothing to get too excited about but […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 70 (Winter 2015) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] of support was based on his prospects of winning: the core group of ‘Blairites’, neo-cons within the parliamentary Labour Party, was never Alex Proud, ‘Perhaps the world’s conspiracy theorists have been right all along’ 15 They had seen it on the Net, of course. See . 16 17 On which see Simon Matthews, ‘The […]

States of Emergency: Keeping the global population in check by Kees van der Pijl

Lobster Issue 84 (Winter 2022) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] vague ‘peace, justice and strong institutions’, to which many governments could pay lip service but none will use as a guide to current policies. The Great Reset conspiracy theories began in 2020 after that year’s Davos meeting of the World Economic Forum discussed the Great Reset – how the world might respond to Covid.3 […]

The View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] deal was the original ‘October surprise’. me, I don’t know which one, that Gemstones are forever The first thing I wrote was a critique of an American conspiracy theory called the Skeleton Key to the Gemstone File which was circulating in pamphlet form in the UK in 1976/7.28 Gemstone was the first conspiracy theory […]

The View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue 62 (Winter 2011) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] gross deformities born in the Falluja hospital, is to be found in Professor Paola Manduca’s ‘The biological legacy of warfare’.1 The pictures are disgusting. Quigley The American conspiracy theorists of the 1970s promoted Carroll Quigley’s then very hard to find Tragedy and Hope as a seminal work on the powers-that-be. In the first issue […]

The Killing of Thomas Niedermayer by David Blake Knox

Lobster Issue 78 (Winter 2019) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Northern Ireland of Marion and Dolores Price (plus six others) then in custody in England. The Price sisters were convicted in London, on 15 November 1973, of conspiracy to cause explosions. In pursuit of the transfer, the sisters went on hunger strike and were force-fed. In the absence of official confirmation of the IRA […]

Phil Shenon – a cruel and shocking twist

Lobster Issue 74 (Winter 2017) FREE

[PDF file]: […] gunman in Dealey Plaza.’ 4 Oswald, in turn, was killed in police custody by Jack Ruby, a ‘very troubled misfit, loser’, and not part of any grand conspiracy. But Shenon has a conspiracy theory of his own, one floated immediately after the assassination and discounted. In this Oswald, the lone wolf assassin, was encouraged […]

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