Lee Harvey Oswald’s address book: a follow-up note

Lobster Issue 78 (Winter 2019) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Anthony Frewin, ‘Inside Lee Harvey Oswald’s address book’, Lobster 70 (Winter 2015). 1 Kevin Coogan, Dreamer of the Day: Francis Parker Yockey and the Postwar Fascist International (New York: Autonomedia, 1999), pp. 616-17. 2 ‘Mike Newberry’ was a pseudonym for Stanley Steiner, who became a prominent historian of the American West. 3 Available on […]

The Super-Rich Shall Inherit the Earth: The New Global Oligarchs and How They’re Taking Over Our World by Stephen Armstrong

Lobster Issue 59 (Summer 2010) FREE

[PDF file]: Contents The Super-Rich Shall Inherit the Earth: The New Global Oligarchs and How They’re Taking Over Our World Stephen Armstrong London: Constable and Robinson, 2010 ISBN 978-1-84901-041-2 £8.99 Garrick Alder A t 242 pages, this is a dense little book, bristling with legal and financial terminology, global economics and national statistics. Inside it you […]

Who’s afraid of the KGB

Lobster Issue 6 (1984) £££

[…] estimators. So striking was the reversal that even mild-mannered ‘Kremlin watcher’ Andrew Crankshaw was moved to ask in his review if “Suvorov has been persuaded by his new American friends that he must not make fun of such a solemn subject.” (Observer 24 Oct. 1984) A year later Suvorov produces a third, Soviet Military […]

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CIA and Drug-Trafficking by Contra Supporters

Lobster Issue 33 (Summer 1997) £££

[…] drugs were loaded and unloaded at Fort Lauderdale in broad daylight without any problems. Morales heard from one of his own informants that Florida law enforcement k new of at least one of his 1985 drug flights but did not act on it.(10) (Morales was ultimately indicted and arrested in 1986, after the Contra-drug […]

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Mind control and microwave update

Lobster Issue 24 (December 1992) £££

[…] Technology, December 7 1987. The alternative explanation, that all over the world groups of nutters are spontaneously making up the same spurious allegations, is no longer credible. New sourcesAnother little group interested in this field is Bioelectromagnetics Special Interest Group of American Mensa. They produce a newsletter, Resonance, edited by Judy Wall at PO […]

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Sources: Spectre. CAQ, etc

Lobster Issue 36 (Winter 1998/9) £££

Spectre In the last Lobster 35 I reported on the new anti-EU magazine Spectre and wondered about its political orientation. In response, the editor, Steve McGiffen, sent an exemplary piece of candour from which here are some extracts. ‘….. Our original statement, sent out very widely, made it clear that we are minimalist to […]

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Cold Warrior: James Jesus Angleton

Lobster Issue 22 (1991) £££

Tom Mangold (Simon and Schuster, London and New York, 1991) On things Angleton, Tom Mangold’s Cold Warrior: James Jesus Angleton (Simon and Schuster, London and New York, 1991) is very good but is not the biography it pretends to be. There is nothing on Angleton’s time in Italy after the war; and, even more […]

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Tail piece

Lobster Issue 56 (Winter 2008/9) £££

[…] a smear and claims to have been drugged and tortured by the CIA. This one, as the old cliché has it, is going to run and run. Notes You can read more about her involvement in the debate at She claims to have been Special Operations Advisor to the Director of Central Intelligence and […]

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Where’s Ware?

Lobster Issue 39 (Summer 2000) £££

[…] we both had concerns about John Ware. He had written articles or produced TV documentaries about subjects of which we both had some knowledge which we k new were wrong, but for which he had never had to apologise or make a public correction. In the first section I return to the Colin Wallace […]

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