The View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue 41 (Summer 2001) £££

[…] in ‘……the armed forces, police or national security services‘- a phrase whose time is a-coming, I think; a little hint of the amalgamation of the security and intelligence services now being talked of. (See Corinne Souza’s piece in Lobster 40.) Things reptilian Despite my best efforts to avoid David Icke’s nonsensical ravings a dollop […]

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Jim Jones and the Conspiracists

Lobster Issue 46 (Winter 2003) £££

[…] the Peoples Temple, she summarises the conspiracists’ point of view, which holds ‘that people in Jonestown were murdered by U.S. government agent agents – either military or intelligence. These agents,’ she continues, ‘committed the murders to conceal some other, more damaging information…’. (3) Well, fair enough. The definition certainly describes the point of view […]

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The Kincora scandal and related subjects

Lobster Issue 19 (1990) £££

[…] all about Kincora in 1974 — Ed Moloney and Andy Pollak, Irish Times, 25 June 1985, p. 7. MI5 knew about assault allegations, Kincora cover-up part of intelligence plot — Ed Moloney and Andy Pollak, Irish Times, 26 June 1985, p. 16. The queer card — Phoenix, 8 November 1985, p. 9. Epilogue on […]

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Disposal as a Flight from Public Control: Thailand

Lobster Issue 12 (1986) £££

[…] as the China, Vietnam and South Korea lobbies) are used, with CIA benevolence, as a means of tilting Congress towards global intervention; and as long as the intelligence backgrounds and contacts of criminals like Orlando Bosch protects them from punishment for their no-longer-sanctioned revanchist activities. Take, for example, the useful revelations of the Church […]

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Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

[…] her comments at Kwiatkowski is dropping broad hints that, in her view, there is something fishy here. In ‘Pakistan and 9/11’, at B. Raman, a former Indian intelligence officer, discusses advance knowledge of 9-11 among Pakistan’s intelligence community and concludes: ‘It is, therefore, impossible that the Pakistani authorities would not have known of Al […]

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The Bilderberg Group and the project of European unification

Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££

[…] work of Ernest Bevin, and the European Community is the work of Jean Monnet (with his faithful discipline Schuman) These are not just myths; they are, in intelligence parlance, more like ‘cover stories’. The Marshall Plan is named after the speech on June 5 1947 by US Secretary of State Marshall, which invited European […]

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Historical Notes (De Courcy, Pilcher and Hess; The 1949 sterling crisis)

Lobster Issue 41 (Summer 2001) £££

[…] ran a publication called Review of World Affairs, a kind of running commentary on the international scene. The USSR suspected that this was an arms length British intelligence operation whose purpose was to sow distrust between members of the wartime Grand Alliance so that when the war finished Britain would be positioned for an […]

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The Strange Case of Patrick Daly, MI5 agent

Lobster Issue 27 (1994) £££

[…] Davies suggested that Ryan ‘slowly drew Jordan along the road to military action and became the dominant figure in the bomb plot, the recipient of Jordan’s meticulous intelligence.’ Ryan was originally a member of the Communist Party (as was Jordan) and became a Maoist, whereupon he was expelled from the CP in the 1960s. […]

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Agreement! The State, Conflict and Change in Northern Ireland

Book cover
Lobster Issue 57 (Summer 2009) £££

[…] she shows why there has been recent stalemate over the RUC. This armed police force was pivotal in much of the action and most of the floating intelligence in the past. Could the same people provide an equitable police force for all the people of Northern Ireland? To mix metaphors somewhat, the description she […]

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ELF update

Lobster Issue 22 (1991) £££

[…] Here, however, all is not as reassuringly black and white as it appears. There appeared to be some evidence to support sub-vocal ELF projection in a Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) survey of work in this field in what used to be called the Soviet bloc. Since then… Last year a request was made, by […]

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