Trick or Treason: the October Surprise Mystery

Lobster Issue 26 (1993) £££

Robert Parry Sheridan Square Press, New York, 1993 ISBN 1-879823-08-X This is an account both of the October Surprise story and of the author’s attempts over two years to stand it up. This works at several levels. The first is an intelligible recounting of the main features of the developing October Surprise allegations. He reviews … Read more

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Miscellaneous: Gemstone. Workers’ Revolutionary Party, MI5 and Libya

Lobster Issue 20 (1990) £££

[…] be found guilty of. If it turns out that they are cleared of all charges, then the campaign against them will have to be reinvestigated as an intelligence operation. (It is worth noting here that Steve Dorril suspects it is probably an operation run against the IMO rather than the NUM.) If this campaign […]

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Lobster Issue 54 (Winter 2007/8) £££

[…] accused Rother Valley MP Kevin Barron of ‘the setting up and smearing of Arthur Scargill…..When Tam Dalyell and I were trying to expose Roger Windsor, the British intelligence agent in Arthur Scargill’s office during the attempt to smear him, the right hon. Member for Rother Valley was Maxwell’s man…..’ (15) Barron denied ever being […]

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The ‘Terrorist Threat’ in Britain

Lobster Issue 17 (1988) £££

[…] the British Right’s ideological package, but in the past few years they have become much more explicit. At one level it looks fairly straightforward. The British military/ intelligence complex has been preparing for years for the time when the ‘Soviet threat’ ceases to guarantee their budgets. And that might be soon. Georgi(?) Arbatov, one […]

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Stakeknife, and, Mad Dog

Book cover
Lobster Issue 47 (Summer 2004) £££

[…] untrue ….the FRU was prevented by RUC Special Branch from infiltrating loyalist murder gangs.’ (p. 32) (1) The exception to this was ex-Army Brian Nelson, the ‘ intelligence officer’ of the UDA, who directed the UDA’s killing of republicans for the FRU. Ingram suspects that Nelson never left the British Army (as does Paul […]

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Crozier country: Free Agent: the unseen war 1941-1991

Lobster Issue 26 (1993) £££

[…] which begins with the Leveller, the State Research collective and Time Out — basically got it right: Crozier was a spook, working for the British and American intelligence services. Crozier would deny that he worked for anybody: ‘at all times I remained independent, executing only tasks that were in line with my own objectives.'(pp. […]

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Miscellaneous: Manning Clark. L. Ron Hubbard Jnr.

Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££

[…] (Penthouse June 1983) In a mass of fascinating stories of Hubbard Snr., is an account of him selling military secrets to the Soviets, and the Soviet bloc intelligence services sending agents into the Scientology org – precisely because the ideas of scientology appealed to people like the RV scientists who, in the course of […]

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Death of the Strong Man

Lobster Issue 17 (1988) £££

[…] sabotage or a lack of security for the crash, Lt. Gen. Ahmad Gul will almost certainly have to step down as head of the powerful Inter Services Intelligence organisation, ISI. As head of ISI, Gul is the key figure involved in the training and equipping of the mojahedin based around Peshawar, and is their […]

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The CIA, the British Left and the Cold War: Calling the Tune?

Book cover
Lobster Issue 49 (Summer 2005) £££

[…] Union (ESU). ‘In January 1953 the ESU, with funding from an American source described as a private donor, established a Current Affairs Unit under the direction of intelligence expert General Leslie Hollis and the chairmanship of Francis Williams’ (p. 175). I would need to see the evidence of the ‘private donor’; the presumption must […]

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The View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue 45 (Summer 2003) £££

[…] system behaved far more rationally – better for the bottom line. They work very hard, attending sessions from dawn to nearly midnight, but expect the standards of intelligence and analysis to be the best available in the entire world. They are impatient. They have a hard time reconciling long term issues (global warming, AIDS […]

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