
Lobster Issue

[…] intense surveillance in the hunt for Soviet influence. Several members, notably Wilson himself, had been burgled. Smear and disinformation campaigns had been run against both Labour and Liberal politicians. In this context it is a very striking list of speakers. Major Alexander Greenwood had been one of those preparing to meet the Communist ‘threat’ […]

finklestein 1976

Lobster Issue

[…] Manifesto is a manual for suicide . . . . they are constantly in touch with our people saying, “Don’t bale these bastards out.”’9 In November 1976 Liberal MP John Pardoe stated that ‘he had received reliable reports that a number of people from Britain representing both Treasury and City interests had at that […]

Dirty Tricks: Nixon, Watergate, and the CIA

Lobster Issue

[…] first two chapters.3 Nixon believed that papers about those events leading up the 1968 election were held in the Brookings Institute in Washington, a bastion of (relatively) liberal thinking on foreign affairs. Nixon wanted Brookings burgled and the papers stolen. Nixon set the tone for ‘the plumbers’, the off-the-books Author interview at or . […]

1976 anmd all that

Lobster Issue

[…] Manifesto is a manual for suicide . . . . they are in constant touch with our people saying, “Don’t bale these bastards out.”’8 In November 1976 Liberal MP John Pardoe stated that ‘he had received reliable reports that a number of people from Britain representing both Treasury and City interests had at that […]

Historical Notes

Lobster Issue 86 (2023) FREE
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The strange loves of Mariella

Lobster Issue 81 (Summer 2021) FREE

[PDF file]: […] and made to perform as a slave. His identity was long a mystery until Hod suggested it was the film director Anthony Asquith,2 the son of the Liberal Prime Minister. But ‘A writer of my acquaintance told me he thought not’ continues Pizzichini. So, who was this slave? Our author doesn’t bother to hang […]

Livingstone, Zionism and the Nazis

Lobster Issue 71 (Summer 2016) FREE

[PDF file]: […] and even attended Edward Said’s lectures wearing a keffiah. This was only a brief phase. On his return to Britain, not only was he reconciled to a liberal Zionism, but he was also involved in one of the earliest attempts to equate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism, the 1987 controversy over Jim Allen’s play, Perdition, directed […]

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