Conspiracy Culture: From the Kennedy Assassination to The X-Files

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Lobster Issue 46 (Winter 2003) £££

‘Let me through! I’m an academic conspiracy expert.’ Peter Knight London and New York: Routledge, 2000 p/b £16.99, h/b £60   Page one of this book or, rather more accurately, page ix, the first page of text, saw my heart sinking. There, above the preface, was a quote from Don DeLillo’s novel about Lee […]

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Good-bye Tony

Lobster Issue 53 (Summer 2007) £££

[…] a more serious player. What caused me to fear for civil liberties was the ruthlessness that Blair and his cohorts had shown in fighting old labour. Also, New Labour’s love of money and the elevation of those with money to the high altar made me fear for public services and the gains of the […]

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Lobster Issue 49 (Summer 2005) £££

NFTB There is a new issue, no 6, of Larry O’Hara’s Notes from the Borderland. It is 68 pages, glossy paper, with essays on ‘journo-cops’, Paul Foot, Shayler and Machon and the Copeland bombing. In the UK this is £3.50 from BM 4769, London WC1N 3XX; a two issue sub is £7.50. Outside the […]

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The Anglo-Rhodesian Society

Lobster Issue 22 (1991) £££

[…] of the Conservative Party may discover that upon its heart in the 1960s “Rhodesia” was indelibly graven.(1) With the arrival of Mrs Thatcher in 1975 came “the New Right”, with about as much claim to be called “new” as had the “New Left’ a decade earlier. Although the Tory right has a history with […]

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Lobster Issue 43 (Summer 2002) £££

[…] phrases from the sentence where I relate what Rep. Smith told me. I won’t cut the whole sentence, just the last fourteen words. Then I’ll put this new version out on the wire.’ Edwards: ‘Kick doesn’t even suggest that some kinds of change are being made more than others: “Overall, the changes are usually […]

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The New Public Diplomacy: Soft power in international relations

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Lobster Issue 51 (Summer 2006) £££

[…] statecraft, which generates legitimacy and acknowledges that in our globalized world the state has lost its monopoly on the processing and diffusion of information.’ (p. 57) ‘This new imperialism….may threaten, coerce and at times even invade, but it does so with the claim to improve (that is, democratize) states and then leave.’ (p. 59) […]

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George Korkala’s address book

Lobster Issue 7 (1985) £££

[…] contents of the address book Korkala sent to Marie McCarthy (friend of his and Terpil in Beirut) from his cell before FBI agents spirited him back to New York. She says the book contains the names of top CIA and other intelligence officers in the Middle East and Europe. Obviously most of those named […]

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Curious Liaisons

Lobster Issue 23 (1992) £££

[…] to recreate the space technology used by the aliens. Working on the alien craft project is a super secret government group code-named MJ12. This is not a new thesis in the world of UFOlogy and Mr Good received much of the extensive media attention he did partly because of the support for his claims […]

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Alastair Campbell (Book review)

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Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

Peter Oborne and Simon Walters London: Aurum Press, 2004 p/back, £8.99   If you were going to read only one book on New Labour, this account of the New Labour people and their relationships with the media, from the days of opposition through to Campbell’s resignation in the wake of the death of Dr […]

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Lobster Issue 57 (Summer 2009) £££

[…] mainstream media did not mention was that Stevenson was no stranger to the Palace of Westminster. In 2000 he was appointed by Tony Blair to chair the new House of Lords Appointments Commission, a job that included vetting the propriety of nominees to the upper house and to the Honours List. While sitting in […]

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