The European Union: a critical guide

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Lobster Issue 43 (Summer 2002) £££

[…] hegemony of power at all levels threatens everything that has been gained by people in developed countries over the last two centuries: democratic rights and freedoms, economic security, the chance to live a dignified, pr0ductive, fulfilling life.’ The previous British referendum on ‘Europe’ was scarcely a balanced affair. Most of the press promoted the […]

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Hess – the Fuhrer’s Disciple

Lobster Issue 25 (1993) £££

[…] Yet the KGB and State Department reports, based respectively on the testimony of Kim Philby, the Czech intelligence chief Colonel Moravetz, and Churchill’s personal link to the security and intelligence services, Sir Desmond Morton, all point to one fact: Hess came with Hitler’s backing so that the British would stand on the sidelines when […]

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Spies, Lies, and the War On Terror

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Lobster Issue 57 (Summer 2009) £££

[…] similarly marginalised. Yet, as this book concludes, ‘calls are monitored, travel circumscribed, and torture is again being routinized (sic). All this is done in the name of security in the War on Terror.’ What was most worrying about the recent G20 protests in London was the way the police have been encouraged to distance […]

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Philby naming names

Lobster Issue 16 (1988) £££

[…] the other hand some of their political aims are exposed. May I quote an excerpt from this article: “England’s action may undermine the prospects of a European Security Conference and may deter talks concerning balanced armament limitations.” Could that be the basis of long-range plans of English-American leaders concerning the NATO aggressive bloc? Question […]

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The influence of intelligence services on the British left

Lobster Issue

[…] by the state. This was the view, for example, of Ron Hayward, the General Secretary of the Labour Party. In 1974 Hayward was informed by a private security company that the Labour Party’s headquarters were bugged. ‘Nonsense,’ said Hayward. ‘We don’t have Watergate politics in Britain.’ Hayward simply didn’t know. In 1974 hardly anybody […]

Two views of Dorril: MI6: Fifty years of Special Operations

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Lobster Issue 39 (Summer 2000) £££

[…] others (frequently American owned) when they retire. These consultancies presumably include any number of lobbyists and ‘risk assessment consultancies’ (whether owned by insurance companies or by private security companies which are themselves owned by foreign insurance companies). So much for patriotism! One can only laugh at all of this, for otherwise one would weep. […]

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Miscellaneous: Gemstone. Workers’ Revolutionary Party, MI5 and Libya

Lobster Issue 20 (1990) £££

[…] Brierley merge with Brierley taking direct control of Ariadne (Aust). New company floated — Equiticorp. Registered in Hong Kong by chairman Hawkins to extend ‘laundry’ operations with Security Pacific National Bank. Hawkins previously associated with Khassoggi when Corporate Secretary of Marac, and linked with Renouf through their stockholdings in CBA Finance which also a […]

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The Politics of Apolitical Culture: The Congress for Cultural Freedom, the CIA and post-war American hegemony

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Lobster Issue 43 (Summer 2002) £££

Giles Scott-Smith London: Routledge/PSA 2002, £55   This is a welcome addition to the growing literature on the Congress for Cultural Freedom, the CIA-funded operation that ran for two decades after World War II of which Encounter magazine was the best-known British component. Giles Scott-Smith has added to the historical record well illuminated by Christopher … Read more

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Historical Notes

Lobster Issue 51 (Summer 2006) £££

[…] All these tales were complete nonsense and had been put about by Wilson’s enemies on the far right, which included some powerful figures in the intelligence and security establishment. It is now widely accepted that these groups had attempted to undermine the 1964-70 and 1974-76 Wilson governments,() that they failed, and that in a […]

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The Killing of Robert F. Kennedy

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Lobster Issue 36 (Winter 1998/9) £££

[…] and, after firing his first couple of shots, his arm was grabbed by one of the crowd. If Sirhan did not do it, Thane Cesar, a part-time security guard standing behind Kennedy, is the only other possible gunman. (When he was shot Kennedy whirled round and ripped-off Cesar’s bow-tie before he fell to the […]

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