Books forthcoming

Lobster Issue 8 (1985) £££

[…] a book on Communist Subversion and British counter-intelligence 1939-45 (Jonathan Cape). Our view of that might be influenced by the fact that he has written for the new Encounter magazine. Michael Scammel, who has just published a massive biography of Solzhenitsyn, is turning to a study of the CIA-funded anti-communist propaganda operations of the […]

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Lobster Issue 47 (Summer 2004) £££

[…] NACRO, The Howard League for Prison Reform Trust – useful or otherwise though at times these last may well have been. It is crucial to appreciate which new groups emerged, when, how and in certain cases who was involved and, the extent to which (ie. on which matters they separately as well as jointly […]

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Lobster Issue 42 (Winter 2001/2) £££

From David Hambling On the topic of the People Zapper (Lobster 41 p. 9), the new ‘Active Denial System’ is probably not the first microwave weapon to be deployed. There have been repeated rumours of cruise missiles with HPM (high-powered microwave) warheads being used in former Yugoslavia to knock out communications centres, though apparently […]

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Spooks UK

Lobster Issue 5 (1984) £££

[…] deal about Kincoragate. Lambray’s 900 page autobiography happened to go missing. MI5 was highly pleased – the book named names. (Guardian 28th July 1983) * * * New Society (31st June 1984) Former MI5 officer Miranda Ingram, who worked with Michael Bettaney, describes working conditions and MI5 philosophy. Boring for her and for us…. […]

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Wallace on Pincher on Wallace

Lobster Issue 21 (1991) £££

[…] this dilemma by retracting his pre-1987 claims about MI5 plots against Wilson. He began this in his The Spycatcher Affair:a Web of Deception, and continues in this new book. The Truth About Dirty Tricks also contains a staggeringly inaccurate chapter on the Colin Wallace Affair. After a life-time of recycling official ‘leaks’, Pincher was […]

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Defending the Warren Commission:the line from Langley

Lobster Issue 23 (1992) £££

[…] the Warren Commission report (which appeared at the end of September 1964), various writers have now had time to scan the Commission’s published report and documents for new pretexts for questioning, and there has been a new wave of books and articles criticizing the Commission’s findings. In most cases the critics have speculated as […]

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Conspiracy Culture: From the Kennedy Assassination to The X-Files

Book cover
Lobster Issue 46 (Winter 2003) £££

‘Let me through! I’m an academic conspiracy expert.’ Peter Knight London and New York: Routledge, 2000 p/b £16.99, h/b £60   Page one of this book or, rather more accurately, page ix, the first page of text, saw my heart sinking. There, above the preface, was a quote from Don DeLillo’s novel about Lee […]

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Hilda Murrell: a death in the private sector

Lobster Issue 16 (1988) £££

[…] to the (Hilda) Murrell murder in that it can be plainly seen there is a very close link between the IPI and government agencies who were responsible for monitoring the activities of nuclear protesters. During my (—–) year of membership in the IPI I came into contact with various officials, serving members of the […]

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Lobster Issue 49 (Summer 2005) £££

NFTB There is a new issue, no 6, of Larry O’Hara’s Notes from the Borderland. It is 68 pages, glossy paper, with essays on ‘journo-cops’, Paul Foot, Shayler and Machon and the Copeland bombing. In the UK this is £3.50 from BM 4769, London WC1N 3XX; a two issue sub is £7.50. Outside the […]

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Lobster Issue 43 (Summer 2002) £££

[…] phrases from the sentence where I relate what Rep. Smith told me. I won’t cut the whole sentence, just the last fourteen words. Then I’ll put this new version out on the wire.’ Edwards: ‘Kick doesn’t even suggest that some kinds of change are being made more than others: “Overall, the changes are usually […]

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