More on Hess

Lobster Issue 86 (2023) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] opening with an account of their dealings with Sir Richard. Conspiracy, Calamity and Cover-up arrives 24 years after Harris first published an explanation8 of how in 1940 MI5 intercepted a letter from the German diplomat Albrecht Haushofer, sent via neutral Portugal to Air Reviews in Lobster 73 at or and Lobster 79 at> […]

Whose Prospect?

Lobster Issue 58 (Winter 2009/2010) FREE

[PDF file]: […] his son some useful experience.’ Goodhart also told me about ‘meeting security service people at a couple of seminars’ and ‘one dinner’. Goodhart downplayed these meetings with MI5 officials, but added, ‘Yes I support the security services, don’t you?’ Prospect, founded in 1995, now has a healthy 28,000 circulation. Its generally centre left stance […]

Misleading Parliament – Appendices

Lobster Issue 86 (2023) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] what the Prime Minister had said to Mr Higgins – i.e. that I had only one ‘job description’. That was also made clear in a report by MI5 in 1975 (see attached extract). Some of the Govt Departments, such as the MoD, would have known that what Mrs Thatcher said in her letter to […]

South of the border

Lobster Issue 78 (Winter 2019) FREE

[PDF file]: […] There was a brief media orgasm at the end of the first week of April when it was announced that Prince William had been ‘working’ at MI6, MI5 and GCHQ respectively for the previous three weeks. The scale of excitement in the reporting ranged from the fairly sober BBC (‘The Duke of Cambridge has […]

The devil has all the best songs: reflections on the life and times of Simon Dee

Lobster Issue 58 (Winter 2009/2010) FREE

[PDF file]: […] himself (contrary to what would later appear about him in his obituaries) appeared modest, not particularly bitter, and intelligent. The programme did not mention his claims about MI5, the CIA et al in detail but did remind viewers that the specific reason for his demise was being deemed responsible for the broadcasting of George […]

David Stirling: The Phoney Major: The Life, Times and Truth about the Founder of the SAS, by Gavin Mortimer

Lobster Issue 85 (Summer 2023) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] David Stirling would have been involved at some level. However, that would have been as nothing, in terms of breaking the NUM strike, as the interference from MI5 and GCHQ. For Hart’s claim re. ex-SAS protection, see page 18 of the programme’s transcript, available on the Undercover Policing Inquiry website at: . For details […]

Peer group pressure

Lobster Issue 78 (Winter 2019) FREE

[PDF file]: Peer group pressure Colin Challen Whilst engaging in the topical parlour game ‘Who in the Labour Party is trying to shaft Jeremy Corbyn?’, my mind naturally turned to the master of dark arts, Lord (Peter) Mandelson. I took a look at his entry in the House of Lords Register of Members’ Interests, where I learnt […]

LSD-IRA? David Solomon, James Joseph McCann and Operation Julie

Lobster Issue 84 (Winter 2022) FREE

[PDF file]: […] during his ownership, this seemed questionable. I have been informed by a source close to Donovan that he used to be regularly visited by a ‘lady from MI5’ – although this source, when asked to elaborate, declined to comment any further. A tantalising, and yet inconclusive, state of affairs. 5 – James McCann, David […]

Has a DNA test solved the Rudolf Hess doppelgänger mystery?

Lobster Issue 77 (Summer 2019) FREE

[PDF file]: […] the minute “Langer’s Lines” of the skin when held directly over the entrance and exit sites.’ 7 When Dr Christopher Andrew, author of the authorised history of MI5, presented the Timewatch report 8 dismissing the doppelgänger theory, the retired MI6 officer Charles Fraser-Smith, the original for Ian Fleming’s ‘Q’, came forward to insist that […]

Lobster review: Red Pepper magazine, #85, July 2001

Lobster Issue

A  review of Lobster in Red Pepper magazine, #85, July 2001

[PDF file]: […] that many articles over the years dwell in depth on attacks made on Lobster (in particular, by Searchlight, which Lobster has consistently criticised as working closely with MI5). However, the magazine’s autobiographical asides are very absorbing, and there are plenty of other things to read if you want to steer clear of this. The […]

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