The View From the Bridge: Gerry Gable. Melita Norwood. Kosovo. Tomlinson

Lobster Issue 39 (Summer 2000) £££

[…] This case cost the Times an estimated £1.2 million. I was reminded of the other high profile cases the Times has lost in the service of Whitehall’s secret servants – for example the smearing of Carmen Proetta – and wondered again if the Times gets these losses back from some secret department of HMG. […]

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The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 57 (Summer 2009) £££

[…] insurance companies would not want the building whose insurance they are carrying damaged by the building next door falling on it; nor why this has been kept secret, if true. Who would want to work in a building wired for demolition? A speech by CP’s instigator, Julia Middleton is at It illustrates the CP […]

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Lobster Issue 47 (Summer 2004) £££

[…] broadcast with the following announcement: ‘Good Morning Listeners. Good Morning to you patriots. You are tuned to the right wing wireless station Radio Enoch broadcasting from a secret location somewhere in England. Radio Enoch is operated by the right-wing pressure organisation People Against Marxism. Unlike the overtly Socialist British Broadcasting Corporation and Independent Broadcasting […]

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The anti-union/strike-breaking organisations

Lobster Issue 12 (1986) £££

[…] in our social history, “represents an important, unique direction of right-wing activism. Money not moral pronouncements was its means of persuasion….its methods reveal an underground network of secret subsidies to ‘sympathetic’ politicians and labour leaders, infiltration of government departments, intrigue and industrial spying”. (62) At this distance it hardly matters which trade union leaders […]

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Hitler’s Traitor: Martin Bormann and the Defeat of the Reich

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Lobster Issue 41 (Summer 2001) £££

[…] good, so detailed and so close to the commands issuing from Hitler’s HQ, the source of this must have been Bormann, playing the role of a diabolical secret agent. Well – maybe. Equally a small number of other German suspects could have been the source of this. Equally, again, the claims made by Sudoplatov […]

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Your Right To Know: How to use the Freedom of Information Act and other access laws

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Lobster Issue 49 (Summer 2005) £££

[…] Act via s23…..It provides an absolute exemption for information that was supplied directly or indirectly, or relates to the following security bodies: the Security Service (MI5), the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6), GCHQ, Special Forces …the National Criminal Intelligence Service…a certificate from a minister is all that is needed for the exemption to apply…….The security […]

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The view from the Bridge

Lobster Issue 47 (Summer 2004) £££

[…] in 1985, Ashdown was named as having been in MI6 by Steve Dorril, in the first batch of what eventually became the Who’s Who of the British Secret State. Though I cannot remember why Dorril thought this and though there is nothing specific in Ashdown’s known career which says ‘intelligence’, the career move from […]

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Ultimate Sacrifice

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Lobster Issue 51 (Summer 2006) £££

[…] Cuba to ‘stabilise’ it after an internal coup (organised by the US) had got rid of Castro. The authors write of this as though it was a secret at the time, at any rate within Washingto. But as the authors show repeatedly, the operation was leaking like a sieve from the anti-Castro Cuban end; […]

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The View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue 44 (Winter 2002/3) £££

[…] half-brother Barzan’. Another report, in the Australian Herald Sun, ‘Execution claim on Abu Nidal’, (1) had it that Nidal was executed by ‘by Iraqi president Saddam Hussein’s secret police for refusing to train al-Qaeda fighters’. This report came from ‘Iraqi dissidents’ and was supported by Con Coughlin, ‘a Middle East expert’. Couglin’s version, ‘Saddam […]

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Briefly: Ideas. Blitz to Blair. Covert Network. etc

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Lobster Issue 36 (Winter 1998/9) £££

[…] American liberal-left who were so easily persuaded to surrender their independence and their critical judgement by the red scare of the early Cold War. I SPY: The Secret Life of a British Agent Geoffrey Elliott St Ermin’s Press/Little, Brown, London, 1998, £18.99 The agent in question was Elliott’s father, Kavan, about whom Elliott knew […]

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