Thatcher’s Secret War Subversion, Coercion, Secrecy and Government, 1974-90

Lobster Issue

[…] would not let explanations lie…’. Who is Peter Green? Does he mean Rob Green, Hilda Murrell’s nephew? Colin Wallace and Fred Holroyd are discussed. ‘Holroyd after he MI5 and Ireland’. was apparently confined to a mental hospital made public the turf war that raged between MI6 over who ran operations in Northern (p. 23) […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 70 (Winter 2015) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: Robin Ramsay Even Wikipedia . . . In August much of the major media, including the BBC, ran a story about the late Cedric Belfrage, claiming he was a Soviet spy, ‘the sixth man’. Christopher Andrew was among those prominently quoted supporting this thesis. The estimable John Simkins published a devastating rebuttal of this, pointing […]

Secret Science: A Century of Poison Warfare and Human Experiments by Ulf Schmidt

Lobster Issue 70 (Winter 2015) FREE

[PDF file]: What’s your poison? Secret Science: A Century of Poison Warfare and Human Experiments Ulf Schmidt Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015, £25, h/b Schmidt is Professor of Modern History at the University of Kent. He has been Wellcome Trust Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at St Antony’s College, Oxford, amongst other positions. His research interests, so we are […]

States of Emergency: Keeping the global population in check by Kees van der Pijl

Lobster Issue 84 (Winter 2022) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] bits and pieces in things like The Leveller and Time Out, and there was Statewatch.16 The Tory broadsheet newspapers had people who were obviously simply conduits for MI5 and 6. I used to buy the Sunday Telegraph in the late 1980s precisely because it was the MI6 outlet competing with the Sunday Times, edited […]

View from Lob 73

Lobster Issue

[…] volunteer, not an intelligence officer – in Northern Ireland, James Miller. Miller gave evidence to the Saville Inquiry but was was identified only as ‘Observer B’. His MI5 handler ‘Julian’ described him as ‘perfectly reliable and truthful’ and ‘an extremely brave fellow’. Julian also reported in that 15 also that Cunningham and Montgomery were […]

When the Lights Went Out, and, Strange Days Indeed

Lobster Issue 58 (Winter 2009/2010) FREE

[PDF file]: […] the Seventies Andy Beckett London: Faber and Faber, 2009, £20.00 7 See Brian Crozier, Free Agent (London: HarperCollins,1993) pp. 131-133. 8 Andrew writes on p. 638 that MI5 was ‘becoming increasingly worried about…..Unison.’ Page 142 Winter 2009/10 Lobster 58 Strange Days Indeed Francis Wheen London: Fourth Estate, 2009, £18.99 Decadeitis, the division of history […]

Undercover killers at the BBC

Lobster Issue 84 (Winter 2022) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] FBI’ for fighting domestic crime by 3 4 ‘Our Friends in the North West: The Owen Oyston Affair’, Lobster 34 (Winter 1998). 2 using redundant Cold War MI5 spooks and electronic surveillance by GCHQ. The outcome of ‘intelligence-led policing’ by undercover spies and police ghost squads was a three-way ‘investigative train crash’ in Manchester, […]

The meaning of subservience to America

Lobster Issue 58 (Winter 2009/2010) FREE

[PDF file]: […] about protecting the integrity of your justiciary because the appeal papers prove Iran was involved….. I knew this information back then so you can rest assured both MI5 and MI6 knew.’ 6 Don’t you just love Baer’s notion that freeing al-Megrahi was about ‘protecting the integrity of judiciary’? As if it had any left!7 […]

Lobster review: Direct Action Issue #19 Summer 2001

Lobster Issue

A review of Lobster in Direct Action Issue #19 Summer 2001

[PDF file]: […] — maybe due to aspirations towards the academic learned journal. While Lobster is undoubtedly a handy periodical, the main emphasis is on the murkey doings of governments, MI5 and other secret services, etc. All very revealing and worth it, just for the pub talk’ potential. However, the real star turn out now is the […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 80 (Winter 2020) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] in 1997 and then introduced its partial ban on fox-hunting. Any link between the two events was denied, of course. See . 73 or 74 23 ‘Revealed: MI5 and MI6 are training senior spies from Saudi Arabia, UAE and Egypt’ ‘”Paralysing a nation”: Evidence emerges of Royal Navy’s complicity in Saudiled sea blockade of […]

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