General Władysław Sikorski and the B-24

Lobster Issue 79 (Summer 2020) FREE

[PDF file]: […] had once signed a treaty with Sikorski and much later was able to declare on his honour that he had no knowledge of any Soviet attempt to kill the general. Both aircraft were parked close to a high wire fence which marked the frontier with neutral Spain and they were under observation by German […]

lob86View from Bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] out. To take the obvious 3 See under subhead More on 5G in this column in Lobster 80. Or see Christopher Ketcham, ‘Is 5G Going to Kill Us All?’ in The New Republic, 8 May 2020 at . 4 ‘Mobile phone calls, genetic susceptibility, and new-onset hypertension: results from 212 046 UK Biobank […]

lob86View from Bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] out. To take the obvious 3 See under subhead More on 5G in this column in Lobster 80. Or see Christopher Ketcham, ‘Is 5G Going to Kill Us All?’ in The New Republic, 8 May 2020 at . 4 ‘Mobile phone calls, genetic susceptibility, and new-onset hypertension: results from 212 046 UK Biobank […]

Wilson, MI5 and the rise of Thatcher

Lobster Issue 11 (April 1986) £££
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[PDF file]: […] MI6 head Stuart Menzies. 65 While working for Interdoc, ‘with the other chaps’ Ellis put together an “action group”, keeping it “private and confidential as publicity would kill it”. (Stevenson 1985 p. 272) What this “action group” did isn’t known. Ellis was a contributor to Crozier’s 1970 anthology We Will Bury You which included […]

Misc reviews

Lobster Issue

[…] After travelling thousands of miles, visiting many libraries and archives, interviewing the surviving eyewitnesses and reexamining the previous inquiries, Susan Williams still cannot tell us who did kill US Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold, in 1961. Nor how it was done. Nor, for certain, that the plane crash in the Congo which killed him and […]

Armed and Dangerous: the corporate origins of war with Iran

Lobster Issue 63 (Summer 2012) FREE

[PDF file]: […] car salesman in Texas, Manssor Arbasier, with a spurious family connection to a member of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, plotted with the Mexican Los Zetas drug cartel to kill the Saudi ambassador on orders from forces within the Iranian State.2 The source of these allegations was a Mexican gangster, already facing criminal charges on an […]

An Inconvenient Death: How the Establishment Covered Up the David Kelly Affair by Miles Goslett

Lobster Issue 76 (Winter 2018) FREE

[PDF file]: […] the defence industry (London: Sphere Books, 1990) p. 191 9 Perhaps, we may then speculate, that Dr Kelly also used ‘his exceptional powers of scientific understanding’ to kill himself by using his weak right arm to sever the ulnar artery, one which rarely permits sufficient bleeding to cause death. Would a scientist with equally […]

The ‘Intentional Fallacy’ revisited

Lobster Issue 72 (Winter 2016) FREE

[PDF file]: […] but hopefully expanding, power. The Establishment enjoys the luxury of the ultimate sanctions: the ability to impose its will through brute force. Whereas the Establishment can just kill its opponents or deprive them of the means to work and earn a living, the counter-Establishment can only deprive dissidents of attention, of access to the […]

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