Web Update

Lobster Issue 42 (Winter 2001/2) £££

[…] have demanded curbs on privacy and the banning of encryption.’ But there is so far no evidence that encryption or steganography (a technique whereby a message is hidden inside a picture or music file transmitted over the internet) were used in planning the 11 Sept. attacks: ‘According to the FBI, the conspirators had not […]

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In camera injustice

Lobster Issue 52 (Winter 2006/7) £££

[…] the KGB when running agents in the UK. These two aspects of the trial were held in camera, which meant about half the eight week trial was hidden from public scrutiny. The phone call A useful starting point is the phone call made to my home in Kingston-upon-Thames on the morning of 8 August […]

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The Pentagon’s Psychic Research

Lobster Issue 30 (December 1995) £££

[…] them managed to deflect the SQUID to such a degree that Josephson, like Evan Harris Walker, suggested that physics needs to adopt a new paradigm to incorporate hidden variables and universal intelligence.(36) In the early 1970s Evan Harris Walker tried to incorporate psi phenomena within the framework of quantum mechanics. Walker’s theory links consciousness […]

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Book reviews

Lobster Issue 8 (1985) £££

[…] GCHQ) during the war. There is now enough material around for a good book on GCHQ and its history. Who’s going to write it? KGB Today: The Hidden Hand John Barron (Coronet 1985) John Barron’s KGB Today: The Hidden Hand is now available in paperback (Coronet 1985). Chapman Pincher in Too Secret Too Long […]

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Disinformation: From Euros to UFOs

Lobster Issue 40 (Winter 2000/1) £££

[…] to be false – then proceeded to detonation, done in two steps. In the first, two of the government sources, Doty and Robert Collins, appeared, their faces hidden, their voices altered, on a networked TV show in October 1988 about UFOs and made the whole thing look ridiculous by telling the audience that the […]

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The crony capitalists: a fond farewell to some regular guys?

Lobster Issue 56 (Winter 2008/9) £££

[…] the Bush family should be gift-wrapped in the crap he bequeathed. Some of the entanglements of the Bush family have been presented as a conspiracy – a hidden and mysterious plot at the apparent centre of which lies the Bush alma mater Yale University’s Skull and Bones society – a variation on the Masonic […]

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Stalker, Conspiracy?

Lobster Issue 23 (1992) £££

[…] in serious criminal offences. Stalker began to think that there might be a common thread behind the killings which might lead to similar incidents which had been hidden away. He also suspected that an agent provocateur was at work and that his information may have been bogus. The Mounsey inquiry The withdrawal of co-operation […]

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Lobster Issue 45 (Summer 2003) £££

[…] denied that the Movement had received any funds from foreign sources and in particular not from the CIA. The Movement’s accounts were properly audited and contained no hidden accounts. Will you please put the record straight and inform Mr. Mullen accordingly. Andy Mullen responds: Dear Mr Wistrich, In response to your letter, I would […]

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Mind Control and the American Government

Lobster Issue 23 (1992) £££

[…] been revealed. (67) Final thoughts on ‘the wave’ I must again offer a caveat about possible disparities between the ‘official’ record of electromagnetism’s psychological effects and the hidden history. Once more we face a question of timing. How long ago did this research really begin? In the early years of this century, Nikola Tesla […]

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Late breaking news on Clay Shaw’s United Kingdom contacts

Lobster Issue 20 (1990) £££

[…] ruling elites. Fawley Green is an extended hamlet of a place, high in the hills above Henley, that still seems remote and arcadian. The houses here are hidden in a well-wooded landscape that tumbles down to the Thames. The present occupants of Yewtree Cottage only recently purchased the property and told me that it […]

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