Blairusconi: populism and elite rule

Lobster Issue 53 (Summer 2007) £££

[…] coterie. The values they espouse and their conduct reflect the world that New Labour inhabits and has, in part, created. Mills has been investigated by the Serious Fraud Office; and his sister-in-law Dame Barbara Mills was head of this office until just prior to his investigation. Mills was for many years an adviser to […]

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How to Fix an Election

Lobster Issue 43 (Summer 2002) £££

[…] a rigged sample evidently intended to provide support for a larger campaign – the floundering ‘War on Drugs’). Labour figures moved to distance themselves from the attempted fraud. Campaign manager Peter Mandelson announced that ‘I have made clear……. that nothing of the kind should ever happen again.’ Blair himself was at pains to add: […]

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Fifth Column

Lobster Issue 53 (Summer 2007) £££

[…] in a British inner city. This is not so far-fetched. No-go areas between Muslim, Sikh and poor white gangster enclaves are a real security concern because drugs, fraud and people trafficking creates an economic base for a black economy dominated by gangsters, supported by electoral fraud and the will to violence necessary to enforce […]

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The Washing Machine: how money laundering and terrorist financing soil us

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Lobster Issue 50 (Winter 2005/6) £££

[…] policy making. In short, he’s into politics for grown-ups: collecting and then connecting details to form big pictures. His 1991 book with Bob Whittington on the BCCI fraud remains one of the best guides to that financial and political scandal 14 years later, as the Bank of England’s regulatory role is finally being examined […]

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Where’s Ware?

Lobster Issue 39 (Summer 2000) £££

[…] a telephone call from one of Wallace’s former colleagues to another journalist, that ‘Wallace never jumped out of a plane’ – i.e. the parachuting story was a fraud. This mattered little: we had photocopies of letters from (a) a Major Boyd, of the Community Relations Branch, Army HQ, dated 19 April 1974, describing Wallace […]

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Lobster Issue 49 (Summer 2005) £££

[…] US far right groups. is Daniel Brandt’s site which monitors Google’s activities and protocols. JFK: Billy Sol Estes A long, detailed account of the Billy Sol Estes-LBJ fraud story by Larry Hancock, is on the Net in two parts: part 1 is at and part 2 at This is by far the biggest and […]

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Halliburton: Winning the Brown and Root Way

Lobster Issue 47 (Summer 2004) £££

[…] Brown and Root had underpaid taxes on stood at $1,099,944. They faced paying a penalty of 50%, with the additional danger that they could be charged with fraud. The dangers for Johnson were evident: publicity about the case could have ended his career. Johnson saw President Roosevelt in January 1944 to discuss the case. […]

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Letter from America. Rand Corporation. Kennedys. Pentagon. Oklahoma. Garrisonia

Lobster Issue 31 (June 1996) £££

[…] a CIA-sponsored paedophile group called ‘The Finders’. The tale is bizarre, but it contains names, dates and documentation that the super-spooks were running a child-abuse and computer fraud gang in Washington DC during the 80s under the guidance of a USAF intelligence agent, Marion David Pettie. Unclassified seems somewhat uncertain about the piece, however, […]

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Within The Secret State: a disturbing study of the use and misuse of power

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Lobster Issue 57 (Summer 2009) £££

[…] get good results from the public sector (those who live by targets die by targets). Whatever it takes became their unspoken credo; be it encouraging blatant statistical fraud or the destruction of the so-called British constitution. (And what, thinks NuLab, are airy-fairy civil liberties? Who cares about a few climate change weirdoes getting their […]

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The Ambiguities of Power

Lobster Issue 30 (December 1995) £££

[…] of research and has documented much of this. It is one thing to presume that Britain’s so-called decolonisation of its empire in the post-war years was a fraud, designed to leave former colonies with ‘friendly’ governments, and the mass of the population getting screwed as before; or to presume that the ‘Soviet threat’ after […]

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