Export or Die: Britain’s Defence Trade with Iran and Iraq

Book cover
Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££

[…] hard going (especially the chapter on ‘Decision-making for British arms exports’). The author admits right at the start that the study began life as a Ph.D. the sis. At times this shows. The density of the material, while impressive, does now and again generate a feeling of information overload on the part of the […]

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The View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue 30 (December 1995) £££

[…] me of recycling Soviet disinformation, and who, I would guess, is the source of the rumours in US intelligence circles that the KGB were funding Lobster. Another SIS memoir SIS buffs might like to check the Journal of Contemporary History, July 1995, in which former SIS officer Kenneth Benton is given 50 pages to […]

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The New Spies: Exploring the Frontiers of Espionage

Lobster Issue 27 (1994) £££

[…] expected. In this instance Adams has persuaded some of the big cheeses from the CIA and the Russian intelligence service to talk to him, as well as SIS and MI5, and the result is a kind of survey of the new world disorder. I’m not very interested in, or knowledgeable about, the current state […]

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Searchlight again

Lobster Issue 26 (1993) £££

[…] briefcase in their office. Gerry promptly opened it and copied Riley’s rather uninteresting address book.(7) Watch this space. O’Hara cannot claim he does not know of Riley’s SIS connections because Riley spells it out in his letter to him dated 13 July 1993. In the letter Riley says Gerry paid him money to do […]

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The economic background to appeasement and the search for Anglo-German detente before and during World War 2

Lobster Issue 20 (1990) £££

[…] construct a hegemonic bloc which dominated British politics up to 1940. This dominant alliance was so well entrenched that it was able to survive the financial cri sis of 1931 by making only tactical adjustments to the liberal trajectory of policy. Departing from the gold standard and adopted a floating exchange rate permitted the […]

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The final testimony of George Kennedy Young

Lobster Issue 19 (1990) £££

[…] Scottish Borderers) to the King’s African Rifles, he arrived in East Africa in January 1941 just as the campaign against the Italians was launched. On the ba sis of his rather sketchy Italian, he was posted to General Staff Intelligence and on the fourth day off the troopship, and after a quick perusal of […]

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Book cover
Lobster Issue 55 (Summer 2008) £££

[…] (and political rival in the Tory Party). A solicitor, Simmonds died having apparently misappropriated millions from his clients’ accounts. He claimed to have been a member of SIS and Gilson, after much stumbling around the interface between Tory Party, SIS and the arms industry, thinks he has found that Simmonds was using clients’ funds […]

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The Secret War for the Falklands

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Lobster Issue 33 (Summer 1997) £££

[…] 1996, £16.99 There are two substantial essays in here, one about the SAS raid on the Argentine mainland which didn’t take place, and the other about the SIS operation to prevent the French delivering any more Exocets to the Argentine armed forces. Both episodes have been written about before, though not in this detail. […]

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Lobster Issue 41 (Summer 2001) £££

[…] the British state refuse to extradite Anton Gecas, the WW2 Lithuanian war criminal, to the Soviet Union in 1976? Turns out not only had Gecas worked for SIS at the end of WW2, he’d worked for Special Branch in the 1970s, snitching on the miners during the miners’ strike of 1974! A report in […]

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Fiji coup update

Lobster Issue 15 (1988) £££

[…] Fiji Sun 9th July 1987. “Paul Freeman was involved in a destabilisation action against a NZ labour government in 1975. He received a Security Intelligence Service ( SIS) file from an SIS employee, Rohan Jays, with embarrassing information about a Labour MP. Freeman publicly handed the file to the Prime Minister, thus ensuring that […]

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