Letter from America. Rand Corporation. Kennedys. Pentagon. Oklahoma. Garrisonia

Lobster Issue 31 (June 1996) £££

[…] Ex is a major recipient of government largesse. Red Car Man I suspect many Lobster readers were turned on to parapolitics by the suspicious deaths of the Kennedy brothers and the sloppy cover-ups which followed. (I even had Len Deighton’s Jackdaw version of Rush to Judgement with its very own pop-up model of Dealey […]

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Kennedy assassination miscellany: Book Reviews

Lobster Issue 7 (1985) £££

[…] commission member Allen Dulles turned for advice on what to do to former CIA and OSS man Frank Wisner. Wisner in turn contacted ex-OSS man and former Kennedy adviser Arthur Schlesinger, who recommended that since Bernard Levin had just published a piece attacking Trevor Roper, it would therefore not be necessary for Schlesinger himself […]

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Still hazy after all these years

Lobster Issue 57 (Summer 2009) £££

[…] by William Turner, ‘RFK, Charles de Gaulle and the Farewell America plot’, about the events leading up to the publication of the book Farewell America about the Kennedy assassination.(2) This may be marginalia but it is interesting marginalia nonetheless. Notably, former FBI agent Turner tells us: that the book may have resulted from contact […]

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Late breaking news on Clay Shaw’s United Kingdom contacts

Lobster Issue 20 (1990) £££

[…] shot dead by Jack Ruby.   Clay Shaw, Jim Garrison (and others) In mid-February 1967, nearly three and a half years after the assassination of John F. Kennedy, news reports emanating from New Orleans claimed that the local district attorney, Jim Garrison, was investigating the President’s murder. Within a week Garrison was holding a […]

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JFK: Oswald? Which one?

Book cover
Lobster Issue 47 (Summer 2004) £££

[…] safe when the shooting took place. What would the Russians, Castro or anyone else have to gain by eliminating the president. If Johnson was so heartbroken over Kennedy, why didn’t he do something for Robert Kennedy? All he did was snub him.’ Ruby’s reference to ‘Texan looks at Lyndon’ is to the book ‘A […]

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Christic’s version of Dealey Plaza

Lobster Issue 15 (1988) £££

[…] extremely solid, but there is a section, reprinted below, dealing with the mid sixties, which is very interesting, amounts to an explanation of the assassination of John Kennedy, but is, in my view, wrong. At any rate, I have never seen anything resembling this in any other serious look at the assassination. That this […]

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JFK: The two Oswalds. One Hell of a Gamble

Lobster Issue 37 (Summer 1999) £££

[…] lent a dime to in 1953, but Oswald and Marguerite’s? Always follow the money trail…… A message from Moscow One Hell of a Gamble: Kruschev, Castro and Kennedy Alexander Fursenko and Timothy Naftali, Norton, 1997 Alex Cox I bought this book because of a review in The Nation (14 July 1997) by one Max […]

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From Parapolitics to Deep Politics: Deep Politics and the Death of JFK

Book cover
Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££

[…] such information. ‘Today virtually everyone concedes that there is something profoundly wrong with American society. Psychological denial cannot repress this fundamental perception. Try, however, suggesting that the Kennedy assassination is a symptom of something structurally wrong in American society, and you will see this suggestion rejected, energetically, by intellectuals from the right, center, and […]

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JFK and joint US-Soviet space exploration

Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

[…] held substantially responsible for no action being taken, since their response was not to respond…’ Don E Kash, The Politics of Space Co-operation, (Purdue University, 1967), pp.85-6 ‘Kennedy apparently saw the joint manned lunar landing as a great symbolic effort… a way of putting a symbolic period at the end of a general agreement […]

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More JFK Assassination books

Lobster Issue 27 (1994) £££

[…] Oswald and the Assassination of JFK (New York: Random House, 1993, p. ix): ‘More than two thousand books have been written about the assassination of President John Kennedy.’ Posner gives no source for this statement. Posner means books then — not leaflets, pamphlets, reports, magazines and so on. Just books. I’ve gone through my […]

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