Tittle-tattle 2

Lobster Issue 43 (Summer 2002) £££

Crime fighting? There must many candidates for the title ‘The most damaging thing I have read about this government’. My current candidate is a piece by Simon Jenkins, ‘A Keep Police off the Streets Strategy Unit’ (The Times 2 February 2002). After reminding the reader that in the UK the police are a local service, … Read more

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Web Update

Lobster Issue 36 (Winter 1998/9) £££

Thanks to Terry Hanstock for contributions. Contributions comments are always welcome. E-mail me on 101521.3515 @compuserve.com Electronic Privacy and Encryption Privacy and Human Rights http://www.gilc.org/privacy/survey/ New GILC/EPIC/PI report details the state of privacy in 50 countries. Includes Threats to Privacy; The Right to Privacy; Technologies of Privacy Invasion. The report was written by Privacy International; … Read more

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American Friends: the Anti-CND Groups

Lobster Issue 3 (1984) £££

American Friends: the Anti-CND Groups Steve Dorril In a memo leaked to the Washington Post (9th May 1982) on opposition to President Reagan’s defence policy, Eugene V. Rostow, Director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, stated “there is participation on an increasing scale in the US of three groups whose potential impact should be … Read more

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The Citizen Smith case or the spy who came in from Oporto

Lobster Issue 40 (Winter 2000/1) £££

[…] bus stops. This contradiction helped the Crown to establish a link between a training mission in Lisbon by a certain Mr E, in 1979, and the KGB agent, Victor Oschenko, appointed as Michael’s controller. For those who live in Oporto the crosses may be easily placed in places of tourist interest. And if you […]

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An Incorrect Political Memoir

Lobster Issue 24 (December 1992) £££

This piece by Daniel Brandt began as a short letter commenting on my review of Right Woos Left by Chip Berlet (Lobster 23 p. 34). I wrote back and asked if he would like to expand it. And so he did, writing almost the whole thing at one long sitting. Anyone who joined the U.S. … Read more

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Dr Mary’s Monkey

Book cover
Lobster Issue 55 (Summer 2008) £££

[…] laboratory run by a known Mafia asset to develop a biological weapon. In between the two, she works at a cover-job under the supervision of an ex-FBI agent, who sends her on errands to deliver “envelopes” to the office of the Congressman who chairs the House Committee on Un-American Activities.’ The ‘young cancer researcher’ […]

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Iraq misc.

Lobster Issue 46 (Winter 2003) £££

Despite ‘coalition’ forces now being engaged in a guerilla war (which no-one seems to have foreseen), analysis of the information war which accompanied the invasion of Iraq has begun to appear. Lieutenant-Colonel Steven Collins, head of PSYOPS in the Operations Division at NATO Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe in Mons, Belgium, had a think about … Read more

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Mark Felt, Jason Blair and ‘Misty Beethoven’

Lobster Issue 50 (Winter 2005/6) £££

Mark Felt is ‘Deep Throat’. Bob Woodward says so, and his word is law in this particular arena. No matter that Woodward had a dozen sources, some of whom may have been more important than Throat himself. The point is that ‘Throat’ is anyone Woodward says he is, and he says he is Felt. In … Read more

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Errors, corrections and updates

Lobster Issue 29 (1995) £££

[…] long piece, over 5,000 words, on Newton’s political career, Bateman’s account (and the errors allegedly therein) and why he did not believe Newton had been an MI5 agent. Very interesting indeed. But he attached a condition: print intact, unedited, or not at all. So I sent it back. (I didn’t want to materially change […]

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Our Searchlight problem

Lobster Issue 24 (December 1992) £££

[…] British state had been referred to again. Atkinson referred to International Times at that time ‘operating out of an office near Charing Cross, the set-up had an agent of the Somoza family hanging around’. (6) And the smear worked. Within a week I had received a letter warning me about Larry O’Hara from a […]

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