
Lobster Issue 71 (Summer 2016) FREE

[PDF file]: […] was a guest on his show). There are several pages of an ultimately inconclusive account about alleged abuse and cover ups at Knowl View Children’s Home and MI5 get name checked on p. 195 as having kept Smith out of trouble (‘but no one is prepared to go on record about it’). Danczuk mentions […]

The Man Who Played With Fire, and, The Man in the Brown Suit

Lobster Issue 79 (Summer 2020) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Played With Fire: Stieg Larsson’s Lost Files and the Hunt for an Assassin Jan Stocklassa, Seattle: Amazon Crossing, 2019, £13.15 (h/b) The Man in the Brown Suit: MI5, Edward VIII and an Irish Assassin James Parris (Harry Harmer) Cheltenham: The History Press, 2019, £14.00 (h/b) The Stocklassa book is about the killing of Olof […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] years later suggest the incident was a deliberate sting on the part of the Colombian secret services.’24 Trump Well, it’s getting complicated, isn’t it? I saw former MI5 officer, whistle-blower and privacy campaigner Annie Machon speaking just after Donald Trump was sworn in. She was very good, confident and fluent until she was asked […]


Lobster Issue

[…] things have come together. Firstly, it no longer seems as important. Other people are doing this, which they weren’t in the mid 1980s. (I just googled ‘ MI5’ and got 2.8 million hits.) Secondly, when Lobster began in 1983 I had just joined the Labour Party, and the events of the 1960s and 70s, […]

Team mercenary GB: Part 1 – the early years

Lobster Issue 72 (Winter 2016) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Ireland.3 1 The influence of Morton in this process is unmistakeable, as he had recently been operational in Northern Ireland himself – and his work there for MI5 had been integral to counter-insurgency. The visit duly took place in June of 1983, less than a year after the killings in Northern Ireland that lead […]

A key for a Clockwork Orange

Lobster Issue 72 (Winter 2016) FREE

[PDF file]: […] at Manchester’s International Anthony Burgess Foundation, confirmed by e-mail: ‘We’ve not yet come across any records within our collection which support the claim that Burgess worked for MI5.’ Note that careful ‘not yet’. And note also the reference is only to MI5 and not MI6. But by the same token, there is absolutely nothing […]

007’s real mission continues

Lobster Issue 88 (2024) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] in Washington D.C. with his good friend Kim Philby, the British SIS liaison with the American intelligence agencies, and Philby knew that Maclean had become suspect and MI5 was closing in on him. Because of his close association with Burgess, Philby became the primary, if not only suspect as the ‘Third Man’. All three […]

Kelly Bond 007 text

Lobster Issue

[…] in Washington D.C. with his good friend Kim Philby, the British SIS liaison with the American intelligence agencies, and Philby knew that Maclean had become suspect and MI5 was closing in on him. Because of his close association with Burgess, Philby became the primary, if not only suspect as the ‘Third Man’. All three […]

A brief introduction to British W.W.II stay behind networks

Lobster Issue 71 (Summer 2016) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Section D or Section VII. Any such large-scale effort within the UK border by one of the security agencies would have more naturally been the responsibility of MI5, but they were already stretched to full capacity in attempting to monitor both German and Communist agents who were already in place.5 Roughly 3,000 men were […]

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