Ian MacGregor: AMAX and armaments (Part 2)

Lobster Issue 6 (1984) £££

See also Part 1 in Lobster 5 Ian Macgregor and AMAX We have followed one of Macgregor’s leads into the British Establishment; now we return to the man himself. He was born in 1912 in Kinlochleven and graduated from Glasgow University with a BSc in metallurgical engineering. He was a trainee manager at the British … Read more

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A Who’s Who of Appeasers, 1939-41

Lobster Issue 22 (1991) £££

[…] be only the tip of an iceberg whose full extent would reveal a very considerable network, or networks, of bankers, industrialists, landowners, service officers, members of the security and intelligence establishment, and politicians. Some of these were genuinely pro-Nazi, many more were committed to Anglo-German detente so that the wealth of the country would […]

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Oscar Wilde’s Last Stand: Decadence, Conspiracy and the First World War

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Lobster Issue 38 (Winter 1999) £££

[…] career of Noel Pemberton-Billing (1881-1948). Substantial original research has been carried out to bolster the key finding in the text: Pemberton-Billing was used in 1917/18 by the security services and the ultra-right (of which he was a keen member) to smear and damage a number of mainstream politicians, mainly the Asquith Liberals, who were […]

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Britain’s Power Elites: The Rebirth of a Ruling Class

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Lobster Issue 52 (Winter 2006/7) £££

[…] more specific examination of its subjection to the USA. Williams knows this well enough, and everything he says points in this direction. The true meaning of ‘national security’, he demonstrates, has always been the protection of ‘institutions’ (above all, in effect, the defence of capitalist property relations) rather than protection of the population. While […]

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The CIA and radiation experiments on humans

Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££

[…] conversation with the author, October 1996. Advisory Committee on Human radiation Experiment , CIA record number CIA-071095-A. Dr. James H. Huddleson to Chief, Technical Branch, Office of Security, ‘Conference with Dr. Webb Haymaker’, November 4 1953. Op. cit. 17. Church Committee Report, Book 1, p. 395, states that one of the three principal functions […]

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The CIA and The Paris Review

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Lobster Issue 47 (Summer 2004) £££

[…] Plimpton served as editor of The Paris Review, he was an agent of influence for the CIA, according to a former ambassador who served on the National Security Council. That is, he was not an intelligence officer as Matthiessen was, but one of the many journalists who were paid sub rosa to penetrate the […]

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The U.S.A. and Transnationalised Repression

Lobster Issue 12 (1986) £££

[…] domestic insurgency, by the simple expedient of identifying insurgents with narcotics. In May 1974, at a special press conference to publicise the stepped-up U.S.-Argentine anti-narcotics program, Argentine Security Chief Lopez Rega announced (in the presence of U.S. Ambassador Robert Hill): We hope to wipe out the drug traffic in Argentina. We have caught guerillas […]

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Lobster Issue 44 (Winter 2002/3) £££

Volume 20 of Research in Political Economy, edited by Paul Zarembka, titled ‘Confronting 9-11, Ideologies of Race, and Eminent Economists,’ (JAI/Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, New York, Oxford, 2002) contains important essays on the current US administration’s foreign policy by Peter Dale Scott and David MacGregor. The abstract to Scott’s essay is : ‘The United States since … Read more

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The Case Against Israel, and, The Power of Israel

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Lobster Issue 52 (Winter 2006/7) £££

The Case Against Israel Michael Neumann Oakland (US): CounterPunch, $15 Edinburgh (UK): AK Press, £10, 2005 The Power of Israel in the United States James Petras Atlanta and Black Point: Clarity Press and Fernwood Books, 2006, $16.95   In a year in which Israel’s attacks on Lebanon and Gaza were accompanied by more stories of … Read more

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The Real Gemstone File

Lobster Issue 41 (Summer 2001) £££

[…] in case they heard her speak of John Tunney’s first Chappaquiddick phone call from her home outside San Francisco. (In S.F., Alioto made Police Chief Cahill a security guard at the phone company to sit on those phone call records. Back east, Publisher Loeb got Hoffa out of the clink by promising Nixon to […]

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