I am being slagged off, therefore I am

Lobster Issue 25 (1993) £££

[…] telephone call, I was sent a photocopy of the review of Smear! by Robert Cecil from the Winter ’92 issue of the Journal of Intelligence and National Security. To quote the biographical material on his book about Guy Burgess, A Divided Life (Bodley Head, London, 1988), Mr Cecil is a former Head of the […]

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A Bilderberg Press Release

Lobster Issue 35 (Summer 1998) £££

[…] Bentsen, Lloyd M. Former Secretary of the Treasury; Partner, Verner Liipfert Bernhard McPherson and Hand, Chartered (??) USA Berger, Samuel R. Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs USA Bergsten, C. Fred Director, Institute for International Economics USA Bernstein Richard Book Critic, New York Times USA Bryan, John H. Chairman and CEO, Sara […]

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Lobster Issue 52 (Winter 2006/7) £££

[…] welcoming words for Coughlin? ‘Con is a journalist par excellence for our times. His skills and expertise are right at the heart of the foreign, defence and security issues that confront us daily.’ Evening Standard business editor Chris Blackhurst also seems to be a bit slow catching on. He started a recent glowing piece […]

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United States foreign policy

Lobster Issue 46 (Winter 2003) £££

[…] of Afghanistan have been a matter of imperial indifference. On Washington’s agenda in this case are secure oil and gas pipelines, military bases, and, if and when security can be instituted, the forces of globalisation will march in. Meanwhile in Iraq, what the US bombing, invasion and occupation have brought to the people there […]

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The Libyans and the death of WPC Yvonne Fletcher

Lobster Issue 38 (Winter 1999) £££

[…] throwing off some of the vile nonsense perpetrated in the Reagan-Bush-Thatcher years? The release of various official US documents which could easily have been withheld on national security grounds – eg on the CIA’s role in Guatemala in the 1960s – suggest something like this.(2) The atrocities of the 1980s in Central America, for […]

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The death of Italy’s military intelligence chief in Iraq and some examples of persuasion

Lobster Issue 49 (Summer 2005) £££

Nicola Calipari’s death If the tragic death of ‘Nicola Calipari’, the international oper-ations chief of Italy’s military intelligence service, in March 2005, was, as has been alleged, a deliberate act rather than misadventure, it is one of the most recent examples of extreme PR ‘message management’ I can think of. ([1]) ‘Public relations’ is about … Read more

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The Tory Right between the wars

Lobster Issue 15 (1988) £££

[…] in strikes opposition to Bolshevism and aliens Middle Class Union 1919 14 (4) foreign manufacturing, engineering propaganda, lobbying representation of middle class interests, opposition to Bolshevism National Security Union 1919 12 (3) colonial oil, mining and navigation; the National Review propaganda, policing ‘to combat Bolshevism’ Liberty League 1920 9 (2) colonial land, tea, rubber […]

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Bean counters and empire

Book cover
Lobster Issue 46 (Winter 2003) £££

The Imperial War Museum book of Modern Warfare: British and Commonwealth Forces at War 1945-2000 Edited by Major General Julian Thompson London: Pan Books, 2003, £8.99   This is the paperback edition of the book published by Sidgwick and Jackson a year ago. It contains 15 essays on conflicts that have involved British armed forces … Read more

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Operation Brogue

Lobster Issue 4 (1984) £££

[…] Branch personnel, apparently to get information on IRA activities in Dublin. One of the MI5 recruiters was a ‘Michael’ who ‘posed as a civil servant dealing with security matters at Stormont Castle’. above led (somehow) to the discovery of ‘Operation Brogue’, an MI6 attempt to run a coup against Haughey. Details of (2), the […]

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The Politics of Apolitical Culture: The Congress for Cultural Freedom, the CIA and post-war American hegemony

Book cover
Lobster Issue 43 (Summer 2002) £££

Giles Scott-Smith London: Routledge/PSA 2002, £55   This is a welcome addition to the growing literature on the Congress for Cultural Freedom, the CIA-funded operation that ran for two decades after World War II of which Encounter magazine was the best-known British component. Giles Scott-Smith has added to the historical record well illuminated by Christopher … Read more

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