You Are Being Lied To: the Disinformation guide to media distortion, historical whitewashes and cultural myths

Book covef
Lobster Issue 42 (Winter 2001/2) £££

[…] wisdom, it seems, you can say pretty much what you like. Richard Metzger, interviewing someone called Howard Bloom, asks why it is that all Arabs want to kill Jews; Bloom explains that it’s not all Arabs – it’s all Moslems. Clarifying the Northern Irish situation for an American audience, Marni Sullivan declares that ‘the […]

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Parapolitical bits and pieces

Lobster Issue 7 (1985) £££

Ex-British intelligence officer Richard Winch said KGB defectors regularly named 7 ‘MPs, trade union leaders and 1 former Conservative Cabinet Minister’ as KGB agents. (Daily Telegraph 24 and 27 September 1984) What, only 7? According to Frederick Forsyth’s ‘sources’ in the British labour movement there are 20. (See Times 31 August 1984). And doesn’t Chapman … Read more

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David Mills revisited

Lobster Issue 50 (Winter 2005/6) £££

In 2002, in a class action, an American federal jury returned a verdict for the plaintiffs and against a company called Edsaco in a complex securities fraud case. ([1]) The case was interesting in two respects. Firstly, the plaintiffs’ plea through their lawyers that Edsaco was in fact ‘a front for organised crime’; secondly, the … Read more

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Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££

[…] for example, is 40 pages of new material on the assassination of the sixties and related events. It contains pieces on William Pepper’s excellent book Orders to Kill (reviewed above); Garrison; military intelligence in Dallas; Cuban intelligence and JFK – the Cubans’ viewpoint; a report on the Coalition’s annual conference; updates on material generated […]

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Maury Island UFO: the Crisman Conspiracy

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Lobster Issue 42 (Winter 2001/2) £££

Kenn Thomas Illuminet Press, Lilburn, GA 30048 USA, 1999, $14.95   The Crisman in the book’s title is a man called Fred Lee Crisman who is one of only two people who were involved at the beginning of the American UFO saga and who appear in the Kennedy assassination story. The other one is … Read more

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The CIA and the Culture of Failure

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Lobster Issue 57 (Summer 2009) £££

John Diamond Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 2008, h/b. No price is stated but it’s around $30 on-line. In The Guardian on 4 March 2009 William Dalrymple wrote: ‘Eight years of neocon foreign policies have been a spectacular disaster for American interests in the Islamic world, leading to the advance of Hamas and Hezboll-ah, the … Read more

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Kennedy assassination miscellany: Book Reviews

Lobster Issue 7 (1985) £££

The Shadow Warriors Bradley F. Smith (Andre Deutsch, London 1983) The network of close personal connections established in O.S.S. (the fore-runner of the CIA) “helped bridge some of the widest gaps in American society and could be called upon in cases of need long after the war ended. For example, when in 1964 former British … Read more

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Advertising, Iraq and espionage

Lobster Issue 46 (Winter 2003) £££

Advertising In 1960s Iraq, the children of the poor carried their most treasured possessions to school in much coveted, branded soap-powder packets. When these eventually disintegrated, what remained was stuck up on the classroom wall. As a result, children could pick out the words ‘Tide’ or ‘Omo’. Praised by their teacher for doing so, a … Read more

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Letter from America

Lobster Issue 28 (December 1994) £££

[…] Random House hired him to write a book that would establish a conspiracy once and for all; Posner started investigating, found no evidence of a plot to kill JFK, and reported these findings to his publisher, who told him to go with what he found. ‘Tis a pretty tale, and utter bullshit. Well before […]

Euro-bound? Or: the same river twice

Lobster Issue 39 (Summer 2000) £££

[…] Observer (5 March), ‘How Gordon has trussed up Tony’, and Joe Murphy and David Cracknell in The Sunday Telegraph (19 March), ‘Mr Brown closes in for the kill’, wrote large pieces describing Gordon Brown’s dominance of the Labour government. Rawnsley’s piece was subheaded, ‘Gordon Brown still burns with ambition to be Prime Minister. I […]

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