The Perennial Conspiracy Theory, and, The Hitler Conspiracies

Lobster Issue 84 (Winter 2022) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Kishinev pogrom only a few months earlier. This had left 49 Jews dead and hundreds more injured. In a local newspaper he had peddled the ritual child murder slander after a young Christian boy was found dead – he had in fact been killed by a relative – sparking off the murderous attack on […]

Case Closed: The Identification of Rudolf Hess

Lobster Issue 79 (Summer 2020) FREE

[PDF file]: […] end of this essay. Rosthorn, A., ‘Has a DNA test solved the Rudolf Hess doppelgänger mystery?’ Lobster 77 2019. At . 1 Notably Thomas, W. H., The Murder Of Rudolf Hess (New York: Harper & Row, 1979) and
 Thomas, W. H., Hess: A Tale of Two Murders (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1988). 2 McCall, […]

General Władysław Sikorski and the B-24

Lobster Issue 79 (Summer 2020) FREE

[PDF file]: […] many suspects included both Churchill and Stalin, along with the Nazi Germans and the many Polish opponents of Sikorski’s policy of cooperating with Stalin despite the NKVD murder of 22,000 Polish officers and ‘intelligentsia’ in the Katyn Forest, near Smolensk. Even the surviving Czech pilot fell under suspicion. Lt Ludwik Lubienski, chief of the […]

Deception and distraction strategies relating to the John F Kennedy Assassination

Lobster Issue 74 (Winter 2017) FREE

[PDF file]: […] the supposed ‘UFO mystery’. But when we look at some apparent connections between the ETI hypothesis and the JFK assassination that existed at the time of the murder itself, things take on an altogether darker appearance. 2: Flight from justice In June 1947, a month before the supposed ‘Roswell incident’, a man called Fred […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 71 (Summer 2016) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] framing a live Oswald would have been impossible: he would have talked of his activities with the FBI and CIA and the plan must have included Oswald’s murder. (The fact that Oswald went home after the shooting to pick up his revolver suggests that he had some inkling that he might be in danger.) […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 89 (2024) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] large rehashes of the LBJ-dunnit thesis. One is by Ron Unz, who does a competent job running through the literature.3 Much better, though, is M. C. Armstrong’s ‘Murder Most Foul: The Role of Lyndon Johnson in the Murder of John F. Kennedy’,4 which presents the evidence (but ignores some of the difficulties). Armstrong joins […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] framing a live Oswald would have been impossible: he would have talked of his activities with the FBI and CIA and the plan must have included Oswald’s murder. (The fact that Oswald went home after the shooting to pick up his revolver suggests that he had some inkling that he might be in danger.) […]

Miscellaneous reviews

Lobster Issue 64 (Winter 2012) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] carrying out assassinations, terrorism and coup-plotting. The ‘strategy of tension’ in Italy in the late 1960s and 70s, in which the right carried out acts of mass murder and terror which were then blamed on the left, was partly the work of Gladio. In Turkey the Gladio units slaughtered the left, trade unionists and […]

A fly’s eye view of the American war against Vietnam 40 years later: who won which war?

Lobster Issue 70 (Winter 2015) FREE

[PDF file]: […] tours as soldiers or as television viewers. This was the daily violence on an unimaginable scale guided by numbing bureaucratic processes that seemed to reduce the mass murder to soporific tedium. It was the war that sent mainly African-Americans and poor whites to kill ‘gooks’ ostensibly to 5 The Geneva Agreements of 1954 ended […]

A bullet to the head for the James Files JFK ‘confession’

Lobster Issue 74 (Winter 2017) FREE

[PDF file]: […] which there has been no shortage. It’s easy to see why. Files is a genuine gangster and a would-be killer (his 30-year sentence was for an attempted murder committed in 1991), and he presents a simple story that circumvents the bewildering forest of forensic, ballistic and eyewitness evidence relating to the case. An entirely […]

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