The Cecil King coup plot

Lobster Issue 55 (Summer 2008) £££

The Cecil King coup plot as precursor to Gordon Brown’s ‘government of all the talents’ Students of parapolitics are divided as to the seriousness of the Cecil King coup plot of 1968 to establish what he called a ‘businessman’s government’, a permanent coalition government dominated by the right of the Labour Party but with unelected … Read more

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New Labour, new fascism?

Lobster Issue 38 (Winter 1999) £££

[…] I have left each quote unidentified except by a number. The reader may thus speculate on who said or wrote what. (Readers seeking clues should bear in mind that Mosley’s comments were made in the context of the Depression and the existence of continental Fascist powers). The quotes can be identified by using the […]

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The smearing of Colin Wallace

Lobster Issue 14 (1987) £££

[…] Orange Two. Through General Sir Peter Leng, Ware confirms the existence of a “Clockwork Orange One” (“hare-brained”, according to Leng), but tells us that “today, in Wallace’s mind, ‘Clockwork Orange’ has become a more sinister Mark Two which … went beyond destabilising the IRA; it was aimed at mainland Labour politicians – which just […]

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UFOs and the governments of the USA and UK

Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££

[…] proposal and submit it to them. When I inquired about some landing reports, I was asked to specify the date of the particular cases I had in mind. Although this is a component of the MOD, it is not situated in Whitehall. Neither is it Defence Intelligence 55 (DI55), though sources within DI55 have […]

Web update

Lobster Issue 44 (Winter 2002/3) £££

[…] and Technology Report from National Academy of Science’s National Research Council, 4 November 2002. Recommends highest priority be placed in 4 areas: developing calmatives (sleep-inducing and mind altering) and malodorants to control crowds; more advanced directed-energy systems for stopping vehicles or vessels; marine barrier systems to stop attack vessels and protect perimeters; and […]

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Jim Callaghan: the life and times of Solomon Binding

Lobster Issue 49 (Summer 2005) £££

It is still possible to find an interesting Penguin Special that appeared in 1958. British Economic Policy Since the War, by Andrew Shonfield, then Economics Editor of The Observer, remains a striking piece of work. Among his conclusions were: that the maintenance of a separate Sterling Area, giving the comforting feeling and appearance of great … Read more

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Books and Pamphlets

Lobster Issue 13 (1987) £££

[…] new member of a very small category, the geopolitical conspiracy theory satire. (Only Report from Iron Mountain and the various books by Robert Anton Wilson spring to mind in this area.) For this reason alone it is worth getting. (How effective a piece of satire, and how good a piece of writing, is a […]

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Cyberculture: Counterconspiracy

Book cover
Lobster Issue 41 (Summer 2001) £££

[…] photographs. All the usual suspects are here: Bracken, Keith, Thomas, Constantine, Martin – and a lot of names unfamiliar to me. Material ranges from Jack Kerouac to mind control and the quality ranges from the poor (though there isn’t much of that) to the seriously good. To give a flavour of all this, the […]

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The CIA and radiation experiments on humans

Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££

[…] experiments were discussed in conjunction with atomic bomb testings. The CIA’s human behaviour control program was chiefly motivated by perceived Soviet, Chinese, and North Korean use of mind control techniques. The CIA originated its first program in 1950 under the name of BLUEBIRD, which in 1951, after Canada and Britain had been included, was […]

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No smoke without fire?

Book cover
Lobster Issue 52 (Winter 2006/7) £££

The Secret of Bryn Estyn: The Making of a Modern Witch Hunt Richard Webster Oxford: The Orwell Press, 2005, £25   This is an account of the various child abuse and satanic abuse cases that developed across the UK from the mid ’80s onwards. At the phenomenon’s peak, around 1995, many police forces were carrying […]

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