The View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue 65 (Summer 2013) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] maybe not even that – would have prevented the assault. Apparently unable just to say publicly that ‘We have to to support the Americans’, it was Tony Blair who needed to persuade himself that the cause was justified by the ‘intelligence’ on WMDs. The 18 March also saw striking quotations in an article in […]


Lobster Issue 67 (Summer 2014) FREE

[PDF file]: […] conveniently forgotten.4 2 The governments of France, Yemen, and Egypt sought his extradition on charges of recruiting for the GIA, kidnapping, and links to terrorism, respectively. The Blair Government protected Hamza. Another protected asset was Rachid Ramda, head of the London branch of the GIA. He was wanted by the French in connection with […]

The View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] virtual beginner like me as some of the more complex JFK forensic analyses. Friends of the Friends The emasculation of the Labour Party is generally attributed to Blair and Brown in the 1990s; but it began much earlier, with the 1988/9 policy review which started the process of accommodating the City and the Americans. […]

MANUFACTURING TERRORISM: When Governments Use Fear to Justify Foreign Wars and Control Society by T. J. Coles

Lobster Issue 77 (Summer 2019) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] tagging along with the Americans has been disastrous in the last 20 years or so. The real authors of the Manchester Arena and 7/7 bombings are Tony Blair and the rest of the Cabinet who allowed Blair to play the role of George W. Bush’s loyal flunky and so generated this ‘blowback’. But see […]

Malcolm Kennedy (1946-2013)

Lobster Issue 67 (Summer 2014) FREE

[PDF file]: […] the overturning of the murder convictions of the Birmingham Six in 1991. More recently, there have been the revelations that a Metropolitan police officer most probably killed Blair Peach at Southall in 1979, and South Yorkshire Police conspired to blame Liverpool fans for their deaths at Hillsborough in 1989 in order to deflect attention […]

Democracy for Sale: Dark Money and Dirty Politics by Peter Geoghegan

Lobster Issue 80 (Winter 2020) FREE

[PDF file]: Democracy for Sale: Dark Money and Dirty Politics Peter Geoghegan London: Head of Zeus, 2020, £8.99 Colin Challen Ever since the birth of ‘democracy’ it has been for sale. Influence pedlars, bribery, blackmail, fraud, honours touting – these are all as common as the ballot box. A whole library has been written about these less […]

In Spies We Trust: the story of western intelligence by Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones

Lobster Issue 66 (Winter 2013) FREE

[PDF file]: […] to ‘democracy’. It seems that in the early 2000s the British intelligence community raised serious doubts that Saddam Hussein had WMDs, which were disregarded by Bush and Blair because they didn’t fit in with their presumptions. America’s problem after 2001 was not that it had no loyal intelligence allies, but that they were, as […]

The Army of Afghanistan: A Political History of a Fragile Institution by Antonio Giustozzi

Lobster Issue 72 (Winter 2016) FREE

[PDF file]: […] the war in Afghanistan was not of any great concern to the British government, as long as fealty to the American Empire was faithfully demonstrated. As Tony Blair once remarked, it was sometimes necessary to cement the ‘special relationship’ in blood – other people’s blood. But why has the war gone so disastrously wrong? […]

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